Create an App for Creating Itself — Build a Gantt Chart with Angular 6

Yuki Huang
9 min readJul 23, 2018

Quick Updates:

I made some updates since my last edit of this article. The most important new feature is a dashboard at the home page, which allows the user to handle multiple charts.

In the implementation, a new route chart and a new component ChartComponent are created to display an individual chart, and the HomeComponent will show the dashboard instead. As you will expect, the database in the localStorage is an array of charts at this time.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As a developer, did you have a time that you suddenly came up with ideas for an excellent app and you want to frame out your ideas Right Now?

I did. And almost everyone did.

Now the sparks are in your mind, then come up a way to manage them.


Todo list? Em… that’s OK, but what if there are some pretty ideas in a big one? Maybe a nested todo list?

How about the progress and the schedule? Well, I have some bad experiences of boosting an app in the first two days, but finishing them several months later. If you are facing a similar problem as I did, the Gantt chart could be the solution for you.

