Decoding the Sanguine Temperament: Embrace the Charisma Within

Abby blasius
6 min readSep 18, 2023


One of the four main personality types is sanguine. The other three are choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. People with a sanguine attitude are known for being friendly and full of life. They have a natural beauty and joy that make people want to be around them. To grow as a person and have good partnerships, it’s important to understand the sanguine temperament.

People who have the cheerful personality type tend to be outgoing and friendly. They do well in groups and like to be the center of attention. Their excitement and energy rub off on other people, which makes them great at starting conversations and making new friends. People often say that sanguines are upbeat, spontaneous, and willing to try new things. They are full of life, which is clear from the way they move and talk.

Personality traits of the “Sanguine” type

People with sanguine blood have a few things that make them stand out. They are born storytellers and artists, and their animated movements and expressive faces make it easy for them to hold an audience’s attention. Sanguines have a way of making people feel at ease and relaxed. They care about other people and are good at connecting with them and building relationships.

The ability to quickly adjust to new settings is one of the most noticeable things about people with a sanguine personality type. They like change and don’t mind taking risks. People often think that sanguines are the life of the party because they bring energy and fun wherever they go. But they can also be rash and make choices on the spur of the moment, sometimes without thinking about what might happen.

The pros and cons of being a sanguine person

People with a lot of heart have many strengths that make them useful in many areas of life. Their natural personalities and charm make them great at talking to people and getting them to agree with them. They are good with words and can easily get other people to see things the way they do. Sanguines are also very artistic and have a special way of thinking that lets them think outside the box. This makes them great at finding solutions to problems.

But along with their strengths, optimistic people also need to be aware of their flaws. Their friendly nature can sometimes make it hard for them to stay on task and keep their promises. Sanguines may have trouble getting things done and managing their time because they are easily sidetracked by new and interesting things. People who are optimistic must come up with ways to deal with their weaknesses and make the most of their strengths.

How to Tell if Your Temperament Is Sanguine

If you think you have a cheerful personality, there are a few signs that can help you prove it. Think about how you act around other people. Do you like making small talk and meeting new people? Are you often the life of the party and good at getting people to talk? If you said yes to these questions, you probably have a sanguine attitude.

People who are optimistic also tend to look for things to do and things to get excited about. They might get bored quickly and want to try new things all the time. Sanguines are often spontaneous and like to take risks in their personal and professional lives. If you’re always looking for something new and exciting, that’s another sign of a sunny personality.

Taking Advantage of the Charm of the Sanguine Personality Type

If you learn to accept and use your natural charisma, having a sanguine personality type can be a huge plus. The first step is to recognize and value what makes you special. Realize that your friendly personality and ability to get along with others are important skills that can help you do well in many things.

Practice being present in social settings to fully embrace your charisma. Listen to other people and show that you are interested in what they have to say. Use your charm to make people feel welcome and important. Focus on improving your speaking skills as well, since being able to explain your thoughts and ideas is one of your best qualities.

How to deal with the difficulties of being a sanguine

Even though being sanguine has many benefits, it is important to be able to handle the problems that come with it. Self-discipline is one of the most important things to work on. Sanguines may have trouble staying on task and focused. Setting goals, making schedules, and putting jobs in order of importance can help overcome these problems.

Impulsivity is another important thing to control. Sanguines often make choices on the spot, which isn’t always in their best interest. Taking a moment to stop and think before making big decisions can help sanguines make better choices and avoid problems.

Careers that Suit the Sanguine Temperament

Sanguines do well in jobs that let them use their charm and ability to get along with people. They are great at jobs that require them to talk in front of people, like sales, marketing, and event management. Sanguines are also great leaders because they can inspire and drive others like no other species. Other good jobs for people with a positive attitude are teaching, coaching, and playing.

It is important for sanguines to choose jobs that are different and give them room to be creative and come up with new ideas. Routine and boring jobs can drain their energy and motivation quickly. By choosing jobs that match their natural skills and hobbies, sanguines can be happy and successful in their careers.

How the Sanguine Personality Type Acts in Relationships

Sanguines are usually good at making friends and keeping them happy. They do well in groups and like being around other people. But when it comes to relationships, sanguines may need to be aware of their tendency to act quickly and lose focus. To keep healthy and meaningful connections, it is important for them to put open conversation and active listening at the top of their list of priorities.

People who are spontaneous and full of life also benefit from having a partner who respects these traits. They grow in relationships where they can try new things and have fun. But it’s important for sanguines to know what their partner wants and to find a good mix between excitement and stability.

Taking care of and growing the fiery temperament

Focusing on personal growth and self-awareness is important if you want to grow and create a sunny personality. Do things that make you think outside the box and help you develop your imagination. Put yourself around people who encourage and push you to reach your full potential.

Self-care is also important for people with a positive outlook. Take some time to relax and recover, because your outgoing personality can sometimes leave you feeling tired. Take part in things that make you happy and let you show off your unique style. By taking care of yourself, you can keep your special charm and share it with the world.

In closing,

The sanguine temperament is a gift that makes everything in life more interesting and lively. Understanding the traits, strengths, and flaws of the sanguine personality type is important for personal growth and building good relationships. You can do well in your personal and professional lives if you embrace your natural charisma and deal with the problems that come with being a sanguine. Don’t forget to take care of and grow your sunny disposition, and let your lively personality show through in everything you do.

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Abby blasius

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