Abigail Esumeh
3 min readFeb 28, 2024

Prospects of a large family gathering-my recent experience

Family is everything!

A short response that one of my cousins had said to everyone in the room worried about me.

The weeks long anticipation to my cousins and I being reunited in a happy setting had led up to me keeping myself awake despite coming from an internship job that evening.

If you don’t get it now, I was tired😂

But that didn’t stop me to try and soak up the moments with my cousins.

In true nostalgic fashion, I was so focused on trying to remember what they looked like before, what interested them those days, and see if I could relate to it and draw some memorable memories. But that quickly went away because they were also interested in what I was up to now, Who’s Abigail now? What does she like? What makes you laugh? What are her dreams?

So, it was one week of laughter, good vibes, sitting at the table, and swapping stories; all while trying to feed the large house and the friends that came through.

But that ended in such a whirlwind that it caught me and my cousins off guard. No one I’m sure likes the process of leaving. And the large house at Ibadan, Nigeria was home.

So, they had to go back, and I remained with my aunt with whom I’m staying with because of my industrial training placement.

Which led me to ponder about family and sustaining connections….

Everyone has their own lives. And this journey called life runs so fast and so short which makes us try to make the most of it personally before time runs out (listen to Clocks by Coldplay)😉. Which should be a reasonable explanation but does that mean that we can’t communicate with family once in a while?

I call this a rekindering because it was pulling our experience together rediscovering ourselves and creating new memories that we will talk about for some time until the next time.

Photo by Luisa Kilani on Unsplash

I’m a simple girl who cherishes sentiments and good memories.

Thank you, my cousins, for the laughter, the gist, the partying, and the newfound connections.

This is just the sentiment that my full writeup carried on my website.

To read the full story, please check out https://relatednesswithabigail.wordpress.com/2024/02/28/prospects-of-a-family-rekindling-my-recent-experience/

And my blog, Relatedness with Abigail at https://relatednesswithabigail.wordpress.com/

Hope this becomes a norm to me….

What have been your experience with large family reunions?

Abigail Esumeh

World citizen who's championing the collective experiences of all people regardless of background with the power of writing📝💫💫