Two Heads Are Better Than One

Abigail Swarth
4 min readMar 1, 2018


Stepping away from a creative, art-focused career and into a field that I had never considered before a few months ago was one of the most daunting life decisions I have ever made. Yes, I was diving headfirst into a pool of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, but the first few days learning to code were so exciting! I love the challenge of learning a new skill, I love building things, and I’ve always enjoyed problem solving, so this seemed like the perfect subject for me. However, while I had thought the difficulty of the work would be my greatest challenge and insecurity, the larger hurdle turned out to be the knowledge that I was facing all of this alone.

Since the beginning of college, almost every one of my peers and colleagues has studied and/or worked in either marketing or an art-related field. I didn’t know a single tech-savvy person, let alone another programmer. The first few weeks of writing code were discouraging. I had so many questions, but nobody who could answer them. I constantly got stuck on problems that I couldn’t figure out and always resorted to looking at the answers, and thus wasn’t learning the way I knew I should be. Working and learning alone continually brought up the fear that I wasn’t smart enough to do this. As most people know, this persistent negativity can ultimately lead you to give up completely. Fortunately, I didn’t abandon all the hard work that I had already put in and decided to apply to Flatiron School.

In the short time that I’ve been a Flatiron student, I’ve learned how incredibly helpful pair programming is, not only in gaining a better understanding of the material, but also because of how exceptionally beneficial it is in managing stress, learning to communicate effectively, and reinforcing positive thinking. After staring at a problem for so long and still not being able to solve it, the code starts to dissolve into meaningless characters floating on a screen. Even taking a break and coming back to it doesn’t always work since the frustration continues to linger. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh set of eyes to see an easy solution to a seemingly difficult problem…like realizing that you’ve been trying to solve a problem for 30 minutes when the only issue is that you’ve merely misspelled one word. Everybody approaches problems in different ways, so sometimes all you need in order to understand one is to see it from a new perspective. Having a partner who can answer your questions and help you see a new way is very important when learning, but the relationship is reciprocal: the opportunity to assist your partner in return is equally beneficial. Honing your ability to explain the code and guide someone else to a solution will only solidify your own knowledge of the subject, especially as a beginner.

Aside from the obvious benefits of improving my proficiency in programming, working with a partner has been tremendously helpful in improving my entire outlook on the subject. The realization that my peers are in the same place that I am, also struggling with the material, lessens my sense of isolation and the perception that I am far behind everyone. That feeling of comfort decreases a lot of the stress I experienced while working alone. Moreover, working on the labs with a partner also helps me communicate more effectively and allows me to practice describing my own code. Being able to communicate an idea improves my confidence in my own knowledge, which again, decreases stress and inhibits negative thinking. In my first two weeks at Flatiron, I have been amazed by the sense of community and camaraderie I’ve felt, and this solidarity has both facilitated my learning process and reduced my stress levels tremendously.

Of course, pair programming isn’t for everyone. A lot of people are more productive when working alone, but I find that I work faster and more effectively when working with someone else. I understand the material more deeply, I’m more confident in the quality of my work, and I end up really enjoying what I’m doing! …yes, even with the endless frustration.

