Will #MeToo Be Different?

Abby Franquemont
8 min readOct 16, 2017

I’m asking myself that today. Here’s a roundup of a few discussions that are making me ask that question.

Image: a line of hand-holding rocks. Source: pixabay.com

If you’d asked me 24 hours ago if I thought I’d be writing a piece today about sexual assault, abuse, and harrassment, I’d have said nope.

Partly that’s because the past year or so has been a steady barrage of stories about sexual assault, abuse, and harrassment, and as someone who has experienced plenty of things that fall under that general heading, that barrage has really worn me down. And I know it’s not just me.

But I’m wondering — no, hear me out — I’m wondering if maybe this time, it’ll be a little bit different from all the other times when millions of survivors have stood up to be counted as such.

Here’s the thing: you don’t need me to tell you what it’s like to start checking all your social media and whatnot, and find out it’s almost entirely full of people saying “Me too — I have also experienced sexual harrassment, assault, or abuse.” You’re right here in it, whatever your reaction to it or feelings about it all.

And maybe it’s just me, and my general social media ambit, but I can’t help but notice a few things.

Like this time, it feels like the “Not All Men” stuff is coming in slower.

