Abdallah Abuhussein
2 min readJan 29, 2023

I had a thought-provoking discussion with a close friend about the possibility of ChatGPT or AI replacing software engineers in the future.

I believe that the evolution of computer automation and software tools will augment the work of software engineers rather than replace them. History has shown that such advancements have led to an increase in the demand for programming positions, rather than a reduction. For example, the introduction of low-code programming frameworks was initially thought to automate many programming tasks and potentially lead to a decrease in the need for software engineers. However, the opposite has occurred. These frameworks have allowed for the development of more complex and sophisticated software, which has led to an increase in the demand for software engineers with specialized skills to build and maintain these systems.

It’s possible that the role of a software engineer in the future may shift from someone who primarily writes code, to someone who is more focused on thinking and problem-solving. With the advancements in AI, it’s likely that AI will take on more of the code-writing tasks, allowing software engineers to focus on the bigger picture and how to best utilize these technologies to solve complex problems.

I decided to ask ChatGPT the same question and see its response.

Will ChatGPT replace software in the near future?

ChatGPT Answer : It is unlikely that ChatGPT or other language models will completely replace software engineers. While language models can assist in generating code and performing other tasks that are typically done by software engineers, they still require significant human oversight and decision-making. Additionally, software engineering involves more than just writing code; it also involves understanding the problem domain, working with stakeholders, and managing the development process. These skills are difficult to automate, and are best done by human software engineers.