Why This Gold Heist Changed Security Forever

Abdan Irfan
3 min readApr 12, 2023


On November 26, 1983, a group of six robbers pulled off what was at the time the largest gold heist in history at the Brink’s-Mat warehouse located near London’s Heathrow Airport. The warehouse was used to store valuables, including cash, gold bullion, and diamonds, for Brink’s-Mat, a security company that provided armored car transportation and other security services.

The robbery was planned and carried out by Micky McAvoy and Brian Robinson, two experienced criminals who had been involved in previous heists. They had inside information from an employee of Brink’s-Mat, who provided them with details about the layout of the warehouse and the security measures in place.

Left: Brian “The Colonel” Robinson and Right: “Mad” Micky McAvoy

On the night of the robbery, the six robbers arrived at the warehouse dressed in police uniforms and armed with shotguns and pistols. They overpowered the guards and tied them up with adhesive tape. The robbers were looking for cash, but they found something much more valuable: 6,800 gold bars, worth an estimated £26 million (equivalent to about $35 million USD at the time), and diamonds.

The robbers used a JCB excavator, which they had brought with them, to break into the warehouse’s vault. They loaded the gold and diamonds onto a waiting truck and drove away. The entire heist took less than 30 minutes.

The police were alerted to the robbery by a passing motorist who saw smoke coming from the warehouse. When the police arrived, they found the guards tied up and covered in gasoline. The robbers had threatened to set them on fire if they didn’t reveal the combination to the safe.

The investigation into the robbery was long and complex. The police were initially stymied by the fact that the robbers had left no fingerprints or other identifying evidence. The gold and diamonds were also difficult to trace, as they were melted down and sold on the black market.

The robbers were eventually caught and charged with various offenses related to the robbery, but much of the gold and diamonds were never recovered. Some of the robbers were sentenced to long prison terms, while others were released after serving relatively short sentences.

The Brink’s-Mat robbery had far-reaching consequences for the security industry. It led to an increase in security measures at airports, banks, and warehouses, and it highlighted the need for better coordination between law enforcement agencies in different countries. It also spawned a wave of copycat robberies and inspired numerous books, documentaries, and films.

