What is the salary of a social media marketing manager ?

3 min readOct 26, 2023


salary of a social media marketing manager

The salary of a Social Media Marketing Manager can vary widely based on factors such as location, level of experience, the size and industry of the company, and the specific responsibilities of the role. Here’s a general overview of the salary range you can expect:

  1. Entry-Level Social Media Marketing Manager (0–2 years of experience):
  • In the United States, an entry-level Social Media Marketing Manager can earn an annual salary ranging from $40,000 to $60,000 or more, depending on the location and company.

2. Mid-Level Social Media Marketing Manager (2–5 years of experience):

  • With a few years of experience, you can expect to earn a mid-level salary in the range of $60,000 to $90,000 per year. Some cities with higher costs of living may offer salaries on the higher end of this range.

3. Experienced Social Media Marketing Manager (5+ years of experience):

  • Experienced Social Media Marketing Managers with 5 or more years of experience can command salaries of $90,000 to $120,000 or more annually. Senior positions with extensive experience and expertise may earn even higher salaries.
salary of a social media marketing manager

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4. Location:

  • The salary for a Social Media Marketing Manager can vary significantly by location. Major metropolitan areas and cities with a higher cost of living typically offer higher salaries than smaller towns or regions with a lower cost of living.

5. Industry and Company Size:

  • The industry and size of the company can also impact salary. Social Media Marketing Managers working for large corporations or in industries with high competition may earn higher salaries than those in smaller companies or non-profit organizations.

6. Additional Benefits:

  • In addition to base salaries, Social Media Marketing Managers may receive bonuses, commissions, or performance-based incentives. They may also receive benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and paid time off.
salary of a social media marketing manager

7. Freelance and Consulting:

  • Some Social Media Marketing Managers choose to work as freelancers or consultants. In these cases, income can vary greatly based on the number of clients, rates charged, and the demand for their services.

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can change over time. To get an accurate understanding of the salary range for Social Media Marketing Managers in your specific location and industry, it’s recommended to research job postings, consult salary surveys, and consider factors like your experience and skill set when negotiating compensation.

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