7 Exciting SQL Project Ideas for Beginners (2023)

Abdelilah MOULIDA
6 min readJan 21, 2023

To demonstrate your SQL skills to your future or current employers, you need to create your own projects. This is how you will learn to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.

So, let’s look at 7 cool SQL projects that you can do right now. Most of them are beginner-friendly, but the last projects in the list are more complex. Once you have acquired some experience, you can move on to more dififcult (and more rewarding!) projects.

1. Bank Marketing

Level: easy

What defines a good marketing strategy? What are the indicators we can use to adjust our next marketing campaign? How do we do this for a financial institution? Kaggle has a Bank Marketing dataset, originally uploaded in the UCI Machine Learning Repository, and it contains a lot of data about customers collected from a phone marketing campaign for a Portuguese financial institution.

Let us see how to create a one-table database using sqlite3 and Python. To run the code, you can use Google Colab, where we can also upload the data we need.

import sqlite3
from pathlib import Path

# Create empty database

# Connect to database
conn = sqlite3.connect("bank.db")
c = conn.cursor()

# Create a table
"""CREATE TABLE bank (…



Abdelilah MOULIDA

I’m a Data Scientist living in Paris, but I actually live in Jupyter. I’m a native SQL language speaker and Python is my mother tongue.