Simpleia stats 2017

Abdelrahman Osama
4 min readJun 6, 2017


Here’s a little bit about what we’ve been up to lately at Simpleia

Since founded back in 2012 we’ve delivered 38 projects, held more than 10 workshops and consulted for much more companies.

Regardless of the achievements, very few of our designed products have actually made it to being launched and more importantly survived and succeeded after launch.

Time to learn

Through the last year+ I’ve dedicated myself to understand the reasons behind it, why many products fail at the end especially if the design is good, I don’t want our team to work on designs that will never see the light, yes we’ve done our part and the client is happy but we need to achieve real impact over real people’s lives.

I’ve dug deeper studying different business models, and what makes a product sustainable, profitable and more importantly scalable.

I’ve been lucky enough to consult for many companies in Malaysia, small and big, local and international, as much as I served I’ve also learned alot by observing how different teams operates differently in different environments.

I even been a product manager myself for awhile working on the product strategy/planning, responsible of Design, Development and Social Media teams.

Business Strategy

Without having the business goals defined, the audience well targeted and the competitive advantage and positioning between competitors clearly pointed out, how could we set a strategy and come up with a good product design that not just look cool but actually achieve business objectives and grow business further.

Trying out this with our clients starting this year, we’ve even gone too far with one of our clients totally transforming their product concept including it’s business model to something with a much more defined value proposition that’s a real edge over competitors, and a more clear revenue streams that makes sense for the customers to pour money in considering the value, even helped reworking their pitch deck to reflect the new vision helping them getting much better deals/investments for their next round.

We’re expanding

After we’ve seen the value of our new model starting this year as mentioned and as our dearest partners/clients encourages us to take this huge step, I announce Simpleia is no more a UX Consultancy only, we’re expanding to include all the necessary elements of a product success, starting by business strategy, branding, product planning to of course our core strength Design Thinking & UX adding up Development and social content marketing, also we’ll start acquiring animation and copywriting talents.

We’ll not be the experts in each of these areas for sure as there’s specialized agencies in some of these fields, but having all the teams under one roof under one management/vision/strategy is vital for a product success as far as I’ve witnessed, and that’s what we’ll be providing.

Product management

If a product is not really responsive to the users feedback after launch, it may lead to a quick death of the product even before it starts, regardless of how much design/development effort you’ve put into the product.

That’s why a continuous cycle of gathering feedback, defining problems, ideating solutions, iterating and testing is needed, all through a well managed product plan/process that considers resources vs revenue, growth vs risk, customer acquisition cost vs revenue per customer and much more, it’s a very sensitive balance that needs to be always in place, to keep the business going and growing.

If innovation and iterations stops, a product no matter how big sooner or later will die and be replaced, think vs airbnb, PM tools vs Slack even FB vs Snapchat until they copied it of course.

What we offer

Starting 2017 we no longer encourage scope based projects instead we prefer establishing life-long partnerships with our clients, working side by side on the whole product cycle.

Whether it’s a new product or alive one, we start by learning what’s the business needs to achieve by going over the business model and strategy, checking out where the product stands right now, if it’s alive we check the conversion funnel, then based on that we start planning side by side with stakeholders what’s best for the product.

We’re in the process of establishing Simpleia’s office in Kuala Lumpur very soon to have our team under one roof and our guns loaded and ready.

Thanks alot for your interest in our plans, I really appreciate you making it that far, I tried to make it short and clear as much as I could.

We’re open for partnerships and consultancy, you know where to find us :)

Important update: we’ve posted a complementary post clearing out exactly what services we’ll be providing as through discussions since yesterday we felt our new range of services wan’t really clear to many readers, the post.

