abd mu'is
4 min readDec 28, 2019


Cartesi, a platform for developing and using decentralized applications that can be upgraded. Cartesi DApps is a hybrid, including blockchain and off-chain components. Off-chain components that run within the Cartesi Node network respectively represent the interests of DApp users. Off-chain The next component is divided into two modalities

Original computing runs directly on the host hardware. Although the original calculation has access to the full processing power of the node (including GPU), the calculation cannot be reproduced, the Cartesi Machine is an independent and deterministic computing model that can host a modern operating system. Real world calculations occur in the operating system for good reason. Developers are trained to use tools that operate at the highest level of abstraction possible for any job

These tools isolate them from irrelevant hardware details and even from information from the given operating system. Create a new ad-hoc architecture will require porting from the toolchain and operating system. The Cartesi engine, by contrast, is based on proven architecture for that there is already a standard toolchain and operating system

Cartesi virtually eliminates the gap in storage and computing power between smart contracts and traditional computers. Moving calculations off-chain brings many scalability advantages. The Cartesi engine allows DApp developers to use everything programming languages, tools, libraries, software, all the complicated smart contract logic into off-chain calculations that can be reproduced, developers can make their DApps more portable

Cartesi is a platform for the development of decentralization

application. Cartesi DApps allows parties who do not trust each other to enter into binding contracts on the blockchain that depend on the results of off-chain calculations. It’s easier to use the characters Alice and Bob to represent these parties. Note that Alice and Bob are roles, not people. They can even represent competition collective interest. In fact, both roles will be played automatically by Cartesi Nodes who defend the interests of control of whoever is the off-chain computer in which the node runs

Therefore collaboration between a series of smart contracts goes on the blockchain, and non-chain software that runs on Alice and Bob’s knot. As a general rule Cartesi works by creating a safe environment that can be reproduced to run off-chain computing. Reproduction means that anyone can confirm that the calculation is done honestly. Cartesi supports Linux. Now developers can develop decentralized applications with all their favorite tools and with decentralized technology that can be improved

The Cartesi platform will offer a few extras components that are built on the core

The Cartesi platform will offer a few extras components that are built on the core, or expand its range. Cartesi’s data availability fixes the severe storage limitations of the blockchain by keeping on-chain, Cartesi assumes that all parties involved in the verification role have access to application data The problem of data availability is a major problem in the design of the blockchain consensus algorithm. local consensus. Teixeira and Nehab

The Cartesi engine can be extended with two exciting new devices. The dehashing device gives the application the power to traverse the hash pointer data structure. Programs that run inside the Cartesi Machine can use the dehashing device to read the contents of the block given only hashes. Although this operation is not possible in general, it becomes possible when the block of the universe is permitted to be known by all parties beforehand. The most direct application is blocking itself. When

The Cartesi engine runs, the dehashing device requests a hash table, loaded on the host, for blocks that match the hash. If there is a dispute, any party can propose the block as proof matching the required hash. In this way, the dehashing device allows blockchain introspection. The parties can sign a contract that depends on the entire status of the blockchain in which the contract itself is defined. It has a variety of valuable applications, especially in the futures market

The most important of these primitives is the Cartesi Machine. Smart the contract is unable to save the state for Cartesi Machines in blockchain, let alone do implied calculations

Moreover, the costs in terms of processing power and storage capacity will be prohibitive. To overcome the problem Cartesi uses cryptographic hashes to briefly represent the status of the machine on the blockchain. From a blockchain perspective, the calculation is only a pair of hashes that correspond to the initial and final state of the machine

The contents of memory are replaced by hashes that are only known off-chain. Cartesi defines a variety of primitive additions that allow smart contracts to manipulate from states that match this hash

Website: https://cartesi.io/
Whitepaper: https://cartesi.io/cartesi_whitepaper.pdf




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