Demo first, a more effective approach to Agile Transformation. A thought experiment.

Abdul Salam
2 min readJan 27, 2018


This is a thought experiment. I haven’t done it myself.

A significant number of agile transformation efforts start on the wrong foot. It’s not uncommon for experts to come into an organization, with a set of pre-defined solutions, and start implementing them right away.

While the problems and patterns are clear to the experts, they may not be for the clients. Developing a practical understanding of the problems first will help teams and organizations appreciate the solutions when they are introduced later.

Also, a great part of a consultant’s success is driven by how much the team trusts you.

Demos offer a great venue to build trust and help the team enhance their understanding of the problems they are facing.


Do not start with Scrum!
Do not start with XP!
Do not start with any agile practices at all, except one!


This is a call for experimentation, backed by my experience that putting a problem first makes selling the solution easier.

Well, how does that work?

Sprint demos are one of the very motivating rituals for a mature agile team. Demos are venues to showcase the value they’ve delivered in a sprint and a time to celebrate together.

For an inexperienced team, demos can be embarrassing. As you start focus on aligning the team with a demo cadence. Take time to get together and celebrate, share the wins, struggles, etc. Make it less formal. Keep your eyes and ears open to the team's problems. This is the opportunity for a consultant to become a trusted team member.

Hold on to your urge to apply the solutions to every problem you see. As a consultant, I have made this mistake myself and have seen many others do the same. A consultant’s main focus is to help the team see the current problems and the desired future state clearly, and then help the team through the journey to the goal. There will be plenty of opportunities to apply your knowledge and skills and create the impact you wish when you are a part of the team sharing the same motives.

Agile transformations are about lasting behavior changes and behavior changes are all about people. Why don’t we start with one of the most rewarding people-centric practices, Demos?

I am game to give it a go, on my next opportunity.

Meanwhile, if you are intrigued and want help with trying this out, hit me up!



Abdul Salam

Engineering Leader. Talks about my journey, experiments and evolution focused on People, Technology and Business