How to Be Productive Through Pomodoro Technique

3 min readJan 22, 2018

What is mean by Procrastination?

Procrastination, defined simply, is when an individual delay completing their tasks intentionally. Overtime, this turns into a habit as it is always easier to take the path with on resistance. It is very easy to fall into the trap of procrastinating, and the root causes of people doing so varies from individual to individual

Whilst it should be easier to avoid these pitfalls if you are aware of them, more often than not we still commit the same mistakes. It is merely human nature to try to cover up our acts of procrastination by ascribing some other reason to why we are delaying our work. In order to overcome this bad habit, we must first acknowledge the problem for what it is, instead of seeking the lay the blame somewhere else

Pomodoro technique for Procrastination

The Pomodoro Technique can help you power through distractions, hyper-focus, and get things done in short bursts, while taking frequent breaks to come up for air and relax. Best of all, it’s easy. If you have a busy job where you’re expected to produce, it’s a great way to get through your tasks. Let’s break it down and see how you can apply it to your work.

Pomodoro is a cyclical system. You work in short sprints, which makes sure you’re consistently productive. You also get to take regular breaks that bolster your motivation and keep you creative

How I used this Pomodoro Technique

For the judgment of my work, that how many time I am distracted my others, how many times I distracted by myself, I used this Pomodoro technique. I selected a work/task to complete it in a specific time and noticed my actions on work.

I selected my Amal academy project work to complete within one night. I started I at near about 10 pm at night and my task was to complete that course within 3 to 4 hours without any distractions. I was not much familiar about this tool before. But my routine was to complete my tasks almost the same every night.

When I started my task, I was fresh and more excited to do my work on time. It is always my passion that when started a task, whatever the task is, I completed it on time. I found small distraction during my work. Like sometimes I feel hungry and sometimes I feel that I required some water. And some other distraction that due to continue work for an hour felt tired and there was need of some kind of rest nothing else.

During whole life, I followed this technique, but I did not know the technical name of this technique. From the early of my life till today, whenever I started my work, first set a specific time for task and completed my task/work on time. There may be sometimes late about 5 to 10 minutes. But once I set out the time for task, I completed it. Faced no distraction, because I committed to myself that I have to complete within that time.

I think this is a best method to challenge our-self to be punctual in every field of life. Because whenever there is a deadline to do any work, it completed on time, because deadline is a fear of failure. So, do not be fear from any failure just do your work with full of your concentration and full of your determination, will full of your interest, I hope that there will not be any distraction. One word “Proactive” is just enough to understand your work.

Best of Luck:




I am from Pakistan, lives in Sadiqabad city and doing M.Sc Physics from University of Agriculture Faisalabad.