Halimah Olaolohun Abdul-Azeez
2 min readOct 19, 2022

Hackers are not evil...

You’re just stuck with the wrong description.

Hoodie behind a system filled with binaries.
Source: Pexels

The general notion is that hackers are bad guys that break into computer systems without authorized access.

But what is the origin of the term “hacker" or “hacking"?

In early times, hackers are plainly computer geeks or nerds who understood the workings of a computer better than anyone else.

Due to the uniqueness of their abilities, people termed such people, hackers.

This is because of their understanding of the workings of a computer system down to the tiniest bit.

Aspects that normal users do not understand or bother to use.

Hackers enjoyed breaking down system components and rebuilding them.

With time, some of these nerds began using their skills for evil and this is where the modern-day definition of hacking originated from.

Source: Pexels

Hackers nowadays are nerds who break into computer systems for either of these three (3) reasons:

  1. Employed by an organization to search for loopholes in their systems (A.K.A White hat Hackers).
  2. Just for fun, no actual intent (A.K.A Grey Hat Hackers).
  3. For malicious purposes and intent to cause harm or destruction (A.K.A Black Hat Hackers).

This brief explanation is to clear the air around the belief that hackers are generally computer geeks with malicious intent.

Young typist
Source: Pexels


Not all hackers are evil.

You are just stuck with the wrong description.

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