How to Create Unique 4-digit Passcodes

Halimah Olaolohun Abdul-Azeez
2 min readOct 26, 2022


Simple and Easy-to-Remember

Source: Google

In previous posts, we discussed about password managers and how to create secure passwords.

This post is focused on how to create unique passcodes.

There are websites and applications that request for 4-digit or 6-digit passcode instead of the normal password (E.g. Bank apps and ATM pins).

In cases like this, most people just use easy-to-remember numbers like their year of birth or that of someone close to them.

And actually, this is very easy to guess.

It won’t take less than five minutes to access such an account.

Here’s how you can create a unique passcode from your date/year of birth without using the exact numbers.

Source: Pexels

Let’s assume your birthdate is 14/05/1994.

If you’ll be using your birth date and month combination (i.e. 1405),

Just add a random number to each of the digits.

You can use any number but the most important thing is keeping it private.

In our example, we’ll be using the number 3.

So, Adding 3 to each digit in 1405 will give us 4738.

This will be the new pin.

Remember, all you have to keep in mind is the exact number you added to each digit.

So, even if you used your birthdate to form the pin, no one will know the exact pin formed.

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