Why I Fell In Love with Writing

Halimah Olaolohun Abdul-Azeez
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Albert Ilemobade Library

I’m very sure I don’t even love writing. But then, why do I write?

It is as simple as this: My career path requires a lot of writing. In fact, tons of it; Report writing, technical writing, business plans, etc.

Also, there is this respect I have for people who write. Be it fictional, non-fictional or even poetry; I don’t know how they get to put their emotions, experience, and imagination on paper (or online).

Just finding out you are good with words is enough to attract me to you, so I made content writing one of my New Year goals on the 23rd of December, 2021.

With the way I told myself I must learn how to write and perfect the art of writing, you would think it is something I do so well now.

Anyway, I’m happy to share with you that the only thing close to writing I have ever done this year is documenting my learning process on LinkedIn.

Thankfully, I came across the Triple C writing challenge last month and was like, hey! Here is an opportunity to take this writing thing seriously. Especially since it is much needed in my career path now more than ever!

So I signed up, fought the urge to leave the group over a thousand times before October 1st (Thank God I never gave in).

Back to my statement at the beginning of this write-up: “I’m very sure I don’t even love writing”.

But I’ve been trying my best to be better at it by reading through reviews on other participant’s submissions, watching YouTube videos on how to construct my thoughts and putting them into writing. And like every other new skill, there are days when I feel like giving up.

Pretty sure this will go away with time, but before then, I’ll maintain the statement: I’m very sure I don’t even love writing (yet).

I’m finding it hard to get to 500 words but let me drop a brief story of how I’ve been trying to embrace and love writing. I mean, it won’t make sense if I just write for the sake of work without loving it right?

When this challenge started officially on the 3rd of October, I went through everyone’s declaration and content calendars and sent a private message to three (3) people in the following format:

“Hello, I am Halimah from the Triple C writing challenge group.

I’m new to writing but would love to stay consistent and see this challenge through.

Do you mind being my accountability partner please?

It is very easy to fall back when learning new skills and I don’t want to do that now.

Thank you.”

Of the three (3) people, I received an answer from one person and she has been a blessing so far. Her reminders mostly come in at the exact time I’m thinking of giving up and she ensures my submission is done before 10pm.

I also do the same to her so it is a two-way thing.

Hopefully, before the middle of this challenge, I’ll be here with another 500 or more words about how/why I fell in love with writing.

Thank you for reading through!

If you don’t mind, could you give this post 50 claps? It fuels the drive to continue posting intriguing content 🤭


