Jungle Kindom — NFT Gemify Play to Earn Project

Overview of Gaming Industry:

Play to earn and the metaverse is making a dimension to introduce the Business model and Rewards system to the Gaming industry. The Gaming industry is more grown-up and in 2022 if we consider the gaming industry as the most powerful and strong and growing and Progressing industry it will be a bitter truth for all other industries.

Let me explain it with an example In 2013 Only when the technology was not much implemented at that time GTA 5 PC game made a History of Revenue of a total of 6 Billion $ now imagine just imagine how big and Hot this industry Actually is.


The Jungle Kingdom is the metaverse gaming project on the Bussiness model of Play to earn a game in pixel graphics like the legendary Minecraft. The game is completely inspired by introducing the new way of Blockchain gaming. Next-generation gaming feels better than ever in which the characters with the attributes and upgrades in Power level will Compete in Battle Arena and the winners will be rewarded by the Game assets which can be utilized within the game and also can be converted into the real assets (money).

Jungle Kingdom Ecosystem

Jungle Kingdom Ecosystem works in a continuous manner in which the assets flow and their interactions with each other are direct and closed.

Jungle Kingdom Ecosystem is based on

NFT collection

NFT yield Mining



PVE adventure

NFT collection:

NFT collection is user-based and vary user to user NFT collection is the Game Characters NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) or Cards which are used by the users as collection and through which user Battle with other users and complete story mode by wining the adventure challenges and earn the AMT game assets as a reward. NFT cards of Jungle Kingdom are of many types each NFT card has unique powers as some of them are attack experts some are Bouns collectors and some are Defenders all of them work together in-game through which users can play battlefields and earn high rewards. There basically 4 major categories of the NFTs Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary these NFTs are minted randomly by the user.

NFT Yield Mining:

NFT yield Mining allows the players to earn a passive income through using the NFTs Collection this procedure works automatically in which users' NFTs constantly min the additional rewards and these earned rewards are used to upgrade the NFTs which increases their worth. Simple and easy the more players hold the more NFTs the more they earn AMT.


The success of every project is based on the community and the market of the project and the Marketplace plays an important role in the Project's Stability and Development. Jungle Kingdom Marketplace is the central repository of the whole P2E Business model through the Marketplace users can buy the NFTs and also sell them after minting and the game Reward earned are also traded on the marketplace. Jungle Kingdom Marketplace is Decentralized and user can make their own price to ask and bid which increase the Customer to Customer Interactions this way Marketplace plays a central body role in the project.

Castle :

There 2 Castle means in the Jungle Kingdom own is meant to be the Ecosystem and its products the second one the user castle which is developed by the user on its own and every user needs a castle to survive and expand his Castle for the upgrades and higher rank and higher NFT collections.

How to Play Jungle Kingdom

Play to earn games are based on the characters based on NFT cards if various categories with special powers and abilities every card has unique powers and Players need to mint the characters first after collecting NFT based characters the player can join the adventure mode and complete challenges to earn rewards in AMT all the Adventure challenge will be 1 on 1 fights and the more stable character rewards more in special loot. The game AMT rewards can be used within the gaming for training minting and Upgrading the Cards and can also be converted into the real using Jungle Kingdom Marketplace.

Users need to follow the steps to play the game;

Connect Wallet

Switch to BSC Chain

Need $AMT

Buy NFT Character

Mint the Warrior Character 12 Hours Required

Battle Adventure challenge.

Rewards are based on the Match performance and the Cards Value that users purchased.

What is AMT Rewards?

The Game model of Jungle Kingdom is Reward-based as in other games there are the in-game assets that are used for the various purposes in the game to progress buy new equipment and other things similarly the $AMT is the in-game and in-ecosystem asset of real-time value in the cryptocurrency which is used in the game and users use these assets to upgrade their NFTs and Also for a different perspective, the $AMT is the rewards system inside the game whenever the players paly game the winner is always rewarded with $AMT and these can be transferred into the real money.

AMT$ Token Information

Token Name: Animal Token

Ticker: AMT

Supply: 100,000,000

Decimal: 18

Token Distribution

Seed: 6%

Pre-sale: 10%

Game Rewards: 40%

Airdrop: 1%

NFT Mining: 30%

Marketing: 8%

DEX Liquidity: 5%

AMT Token Sale Information

Seed Phase: 1 BNB = 24000 AMT.

Total AMT = 6M for this round

Release = 100%

Round 2 Pre-sale:

1BNB = 20000 AMT

Total Raise = 500 BNB

Perchase range = 0.1 BNB to 1BNB

Release = 100%

Project Official Media





Author Details

Name: Waleed Abdullah

Bitcointalk Username: Cosmic Beyonders

Bitcoitalk Profile

Proof of Authentication

BSC: 0xE4E31a3a608D43656a41C2905427e47C32D2B75B



Waleed Abdullah (Cosmic Beyonders)

Waleed Abdullah the Blockchain community member. I am very Interested to learn more with this platform. IDO, Investor, Bounty Hunter, Content writer, Review.