How to Build Email List for Email Marketing

5 min readAug 1, 2024


Do you want to know how to build email list for email marketing? If you want to promote your product or services or you think that maybe one day you might wanna promote your products or services, then having an email list is essential. And today we’re gonna talk about the 5 steps you need to start an email list from scratch.

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Why you should start an email list

how to start your email list, how to attract your ideal customers to your list, and then how to use that list effectively. The purpose of an email list is to help you build a base of your ideal customers. You can have the greatest offer in the world but if no one knows about it.

You’re not going to make any sales. You can make sales through ads, but people are more likely to buy from someone that they know, like and trust rather than some random unfamiliar person or brand that they’ve seen an ad.

People on your list are there for a reason. They want to hear from you. Most people are not interested in the ads. If you build your email list correctly, almost everyone on that list is going to be a qualified lead and an ideal customer who is interested in what you have to offer. An email list is also going to help you form a relationship with your ideal customer.

Your ideal customers are more likely to buy from someone they know, like, and trust. Having their email address allows you to blow all three of those factors by regularly providing value and having direct conversations with them. If you have a large social media following you might not think you need a list.

Instead, having an email list is far more valuable than having a large social media following, even if you’ve got millions of followers. You don’t own your social media followers. You could have an audience of like 12 million people on Instagram, Facebook, or any other platform. If that platform was to shut down tomorrow or undergo some major change, you would have no way to reconnect with that audience.

Click on the link to download 100 Email list methods to build email list fast

Sign up for an email sender

Sign up for an email marketing service. There are many services like MailChimp convert Kit, active campaign, and flod desk. Do your research to determine which platform is best for you and is within your budget.

Create a valuable freebie

What we will do is exchange our email address for a valuable freebie often called a lead magnet. It largely depends on what you do, what type of business you’re starting, and what type of knowledge you can help others with. You’re simply creating something valuable to give your audience. It could be a free guide or template, masterclass, webinar, training video, mini-course, ebook, coupon code, a free sample trial, or even a giveaway.

When you identify a freebie now you will be creating it. If you are designing a pdf you can use Canva for pdf lead magnets. You also need to build the landing page. And the landing page is exactly what it sounds like. It is a page that new leads land on. You’ll also hear it sometimes called an opt-in page or a squeeze page. The only purpose of this page is to get the visitor’s email address. If you have a landing page ready to collect those emails you can start building your list now, right? Wrong, there’s one thing to do first.

Write a day zero autoresponder and a welcome sequence

The day zero autoresponder email is an email that is sent out immediately after a new lead signs up for your list. It’s kind of like a confirmation email, a thank you email. This email will provide a memorable brand experience as they’re getting to know you for the first time. I also recommend that you write 1 to 3 welcome emails which you can also set up to go out automatically after they sign up.

Two to three days after they sign up for email. Welcome emails are sometimes referred to as indoctrination emails. These are emails that welcome new leads to your list or indoctrinate new leads into your brand. You wanna make them feel as though they’re part of something bigger. Just remember, the goal of these emails is to nurture your brand-new leads on autopilot.

Build your list

It’s time to start plugging and promoting your freebie wherever, whenever it’s relevant. What your email list looks like will greatly depend on whether or not you already have an established social media following or presence or some other audience that you can leverage. Here are some ideas that you can use to promote your landing page with a freebie. Put it on your website.

Don’t make the mistake of putting it anywhere. You want to stand out and capture attention. I would recommend that you put opt-in banners at the very top of their homepage. Another option on your homepage is to create a pop-up invitation. It just pops up after the user has been on your website for a few minutes. If you don’t have a website, don’t worry. It’s not the only place you can promote your freebie.

Post it on your social media Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter? If you don’t have a large following, post it to your stories and add the link to your bio. Write blog posts about the content that’s relevant to your freebie, and then add it inside your blog post, wherever it makes sense. If you are not paying for your traffic you can’t expect your list to grow to 15,000 people overnight. It takes time. But if you stay consistent your email list subscribers will grow higher and higher.

Click on the link to download 100 Email list methods to build email list fast

Show up Consistently in the Inbox

This is a crucial step you must follow. You can have the best products, the coolest brand, and the biggest list. None of it matters unless your audience is engaging with your emails. You want an email list that actually buys things from you. You have to keep them engaged to open your emails and read your emails.

You need to show up consistently in their inbox, build trust, create rapport, and continuously deliver value to them. If you only send a newsletter maybe once a month. It doesn’t matter how often you send emails in the beginning. What matters first is that you’re consistent.




I am a blogger who tells about ideas to make money online.