15 Books you must read

These are the global books that must be read before you die.

Abdullah Basaran
5 min readNov 30, 2022

These have been chosen with great care from among the books that are accepted and admired worldwide. Some have been selected from the best books of the year. That’s why I think you need to read these books to become a polyglot. They contain books from all fields. Let’s start counting.

( Bu kitapların Türkçesi de mevcut Türkiye’de)

1- Incognito


If you are one of those who are curious about the facts about the brain, this book by David Eagleman gives you a new perspective. A book that I really like. A book in the best book of the year selection. The New York Times describes the author of this book as “the man who makes being a neuroscientist seem like fun.”

2- 21 Lessons for the 21 Century

From the author of Sapiens. Is God returning? How will computers and robots change what it means to be human? Does Homo Sapiens have the ability to make sense of the world he created? Is there a clear boundary that separates the real from the fake?
Moreover, from the famous author Yuval Noah Harari… This is one of my favorite books.

3- 300s Committee

Everyone has wondered at least once in their life who rules the world. This book offers you a terrifying reminder of what the real world is. John Coleman poses a challenge.

4- Chess

A wonderful yet wonderful and gripping piece that explores the life of a master chess enthusiast. A must read. from the famous writer Stefan Zweig

5- Confronting Capitalism

A hard confrontation with capitalism. Almost a duel. The Financial Times said everyone should take their hats off as Philip speaks. It discusses the good and bad aspects of capitalism and the solutions.

6- 2050 “İKİ BİN ELLİ”

Is the future scientifically predictable? What technologies have not yet been invented? What will be the order in the Middle East, which will determine the fate of the world, Turkey and all of us? What will be the changes that will occur in the female, male and young population?
You will really like the book of the future very, very much.

7- The Human Brain

Here is the best brain and neuroscience book ever for you to read. A simple, high-quality and level expression as if you were telling a child. The subject matter is excellent. It covers everything related to the brain. The best brain and science book I’ve ever read.

8- Entrepreneur’s Handbook

If entrepreneurship has crossed your mind but you are not fully equipped, this book will make you an entrepreneur. Especially those who are in the competitive entrepreneurial ecosystem in world centers, this book is for you.

9- Your Brain — Time Machine

Once again a great book that combines the brain with physics.

10- Brief Answers to the Big Questions

A great book by Stephen Hawking. Perfect for those who want to define and understand the universe. Those looking for answers to big questions for the universe and man can read Stephen Hawking’s answers.

11- Storm in the cup helen — The Physics everyday Life

Imagine that every physical event you encounter in your daily life is explained in detail by physics. Here is such a book. When you read this, you will be able to explain to your friends in a simple and understandable way how we use physics in our daily life.

12- Future Physics

It is a book that deals with everything from every angle between 2000–2030, 2030–2070, 2070–2100. Definitely one of the best books I’ve ever read. I can put it in row 2. Especially for those who are curious about the technologies of the future and those who are interested in technology. You will love it.

13- Cosmos

What is the universe? Are we the only ones in the universe? What is the energy in the universe? It is a book that fascinates many readers around the world with its wonderful narrative technique. I got this book recommendation from the famous youtuber Barış Özcan.

14- Crime and Punishment

The wonderful masterpiece of Dostoyevsky, which everyone knows. If you haven’t read it, be sure to read it. It gives people an intellectual perspective.

15- Mass Psychology

Great book by Sigmund Freud. This book will show you how to look at people. He will explain in detail how a person takes on a different psychology when he is alone and when he is in a community.

Okey, I think this is a good article. And…

Edit: I published the second article of these 15 book recommendations today. Those who like the books on this list can also look at my other book recommendations.

hey friends! I will start writing an E-Book soon. I hope I can reach you from here. Very good content will be waiting for you. It will never be cliche. “Reading is a loving conversation between two souls.” -Cemil Meriç-

And read a lot of books



Abdullah Basaran

Thinker, Hard Worker, Reader, Traveller | Software Developer | Podcaster | Writer | Do you want to write to me -> abdullah18basaran@gmail.com