What the Future will hold? Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

Alex Hale
4 min readFeb 19, 2023



Do you know what Intelligence is? In general, intelligence refers to a general ability to reason, solve problems, and learn. Humans are most often studied for intelligence, but non-human animals and plants have also been observed for intelligence despite controversy over whether some exhibit this ability. Artificial intelligence is obtained by using computers or other machines.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence AI is the branch of Data science which refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human-like intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision making, visual perception and language transition. AI involves developing algorithms and computer programs that can analyze data, learn from it, and make decisions.

A wide variety of fields, including computer science, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, control theory, probability, optimization, operation research, economics,and logic, contribute to AI research. Near

In the future, AI will revolutionize the way we live, work and interact with each other. AI has numerous applications in areas like transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, finance and entertainment. Basically, AI is the study of intelligent agents which can do things precisely and accurately than humans.

But here the question is, “Is Artificial Intelligence sufficient in itself?” Is AI going to replace humans? You will get your answer shortly.

What is Human Intelligence?

We can define Human Intelligence as our ability to think and learn from experiences, to adapt to new situations, to solve problems, to make decisions, and to communicate with one another. It is a complex concept that refers to the cognitive abilities and mental capacity of human beings.

Human Intelligence can be considered as unique because it includes emotion, motivations, self awareness and passion. We humans are more complex and our thoughts can be changed from time to time depending upon the problem that arises with it. Human Intelligence can give us a lot of information, for example, travelers’ observations during travel, refugees’ observations, and escaped POW observations.

Difference between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence:

Human intelligence and Artificial intelligence are both types of intelligence, but they differ in significant ways.


Human Intelligence refers to the cognitive abilities possessed by human beings. It includes skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, perception, memory and thinking.

AI cites the intelligence exhibited by machines. It is created through the development of computer programs that allow machines to execute tasks that typically require human-like intelligence.

Speed of Operation

There is no match between AI or robots with human intelligence when it comes to speed. Human intelligence is a result of complex working of the human brain, which is capable of learning, adapting and processing vast amounts of information but it does take much time.

On the other hand, AI is used to automate processes that are repetitive, fast or too complex for human to perform efficiently

Decision Making

This category gives an edge to human intelligence over AI. Humans have the ability to learn decision making from past experiences. While in the case of AI, even the most advanced robot can hardly compete in mobility with a 6 years old child. Humans have the term consciousness but AI lacks.

Flexibility and Adaptability

One significant difference between human intelligence and AI is that human intelligence is biological, while AI is artificial. Human Intelligence is subjected to emotions,physical limitations and biases, while AI is based on data and programming. Human intelligence is much more flexible and adaptable, whereas AI requires precise programming to function efficiently. We can say Data is a food of AI.

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: What the Future will hold?

Now here comes the time when you will be able to know the answer to this question.

Is AI going to replace Humans?

It is difficult to predict with certainty what the future will hold, AI or Human Intelligence. But right now AI has already made significant advancements in various fields, such as natural language processing, computer vision and most importantly robotics. As technology continues to advance, it’s more likely that AI will continue to develop and improve, potentially surpassing human intelligence in certain areas. However, human intelligence has unique qualities such as creativity, empathy and complex decision making abilities that AI is not yet able to fully replicate.

In 2022, WEF has made a statement of how AI is the future and how it can help us in making an environment with precise and accurate data. Humans are the ones who created AI and made advancements in it.


Ultimately, the future of AI and Human intelligence will involve the combination of both, with each serving a different role and complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.



Alex Hale

Hey, I'm Alex Hale, the genius behind Glossy Unit! I Join me on this wild blogging adventure! https://glossyunit.com/