The Benefits of Having a Morning Routine and How to Do It Right

Abdullah Chaus
3 min readNov 21, 2021


Let’s admit it. Almost every successful person you’ve heard of seems to have a morning routine and they always tell others how it’s changed their lives. So you want to have one too. And this article will show you how.

Before we get started though, I want to clarify one thing. Many people draw a line of distinction between morning routine and morning ritual. Routine sounds like something you do without putting much thought into it. Ritual, on the other hand, sounds completely different. A ritual is something you do with complete mindfulness and presence, being conscious about the side effects of whatever it is you’re doing.

For a morning routine to be effective in any way, you have to have presence of mind. And if that makes it a ritual, so be it. So, whenever I say morning routine, I mean it in the sense of a ritual.

Well then, let’s get a move on!

The benefits of having a morning routine

There are several really important benefits of having a proper, well thought out morning routine. Here are some of them:

· Set the right tone and mindset for the day

· Keep stress and tension at bay under stressful situations

· Experience a sense of calm and peace throughout the day

· Be able to achieve more of your personal and professional goals

How to set up a morning routine that you will stick to

Let me say this right away. There’s no one set of things that constitutes a morning routine for every person. Everybody’s morning routine is more or less different, because each person is different than the others. A morning routine is basically alone time, so don’t try to copy someone else’s morning routine. The goal is to center yourself and mentally prepare for the rest of the day.

That being said, there are some things that a lot of people like to include in their morning routines. For example, a lot of people like to work out, which makes them feel like they have achieved something for the day. Many people meditate. Some people like to slowly and mindfully sip tea, coffee or some other beverage. Some people do yoga. You could simply drink water (try drinking eight ounces; keep a bottle of water by your bedside). You could try journaling, reciting poetry, reciting affirmations, going for a jog, listen to music, and many other things.

Some general tips to help you in setting up a morning routine:

1. Wake up earlier: To complete a morning routine, you’ll need time, be it 5 minutes or an hour. So you will need to wake up earlier than usual by that much time. Try not to hit the snooze button even once. Also, make sure you sleep earlier to get the proper amount of sleep.

2. Choose to do whatever you like: As I already said, there’s no one common morning routine. In other words, do you.

3. Don’t try to just get the morning routine over with: If you do this, then you are doing it all wrong.

4. Be fully present: This is where the magic of morning routine comes from. Try to forget all the pressures of your professional life and be as mindful as possible.

One last thing. Try to avoid looking at your phone, whether it’s for checking your emails or logging onto social media.

The right morning routine will leave you energized and ready to tackle whatever challenges you may face throughout your day. Try it out!

