Mastering Android MVVM: Kotlin example to Create High-Quality Android App for Fetching data from web service by using Best Practices

Abdul Qadir
6 min readMay 1, 2023

What is MVVM architecture?

MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, is a design pattern that facilitates separation of concerns between the user interface (View), the data (Model), and the business logic (ViewModel) of an application. This separation of concerns makes it easier to test, modify, and maintain different parts of the application independently.

Figure 1. shows the overview of MVVM architecture, in which each layer is separated from other.

figure 1. MVVM architecture

Project Overview:

figure 2. project overview

Technologies Used:

  • Retrofit
  • BindingAdapter
  • CallBacks
  • LiveData
  • ViewModel
  • Fragment

****************************Let’s Start Coding **************************

********************************Step 1************************************



Abdul Qadir

Android developer, my strengths include but not limited to Java, Android Mobile Application Development, Kotlin, Unity3D