4 7 8 Breathing Technique

Health Dairies
3 min readDec 23, 2023


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Finding a moment of relaxation and peace is feel like a blessing in today’s hectic world. Sometimes our daily tasks can make us feel overwhelmed and exhausted. However, there are many breathing techniques that can help you manage stress and anxiety. One of the popular technique is 4 7 8 breathing technique.

The 4 7 8 breathing technique involves breathing for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. The 4 7 8 technique requires your mind and body to keep focus on taking deep breaths in and out.

This technique is developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, this technique is designed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

This post explains how to practice this breathing technique and benefits if you practice it regularly.

Photo by Надя Кисільова on Unsplash

How to practice 4 7 8 breathing technique?

Before start practicing, sit in a comfortable position. Make sure to practice good posture, especially when starting out. If you are using this technique to fall asleep quickly it is better to lying down. You can place your one hand on your abdomen and other on your chest to feel the movement of your breath. Place your tongue right behind your front top teeth. You have to keep your tongue on the same place during the whole practice. If you practice it first time, you may find it difficult for you but with regular practice you can do it easily.

To practice 4 7 8 technique, focus on following breathing pattern:

· First, let you lips part, making a whooshing sound by exhaling completely through your mouth

· Next, close your lips, breathing in through your nose for 4 seconds. Take a slow and deep breath.

· Then, for the count of 7 seconds, hold your breath. During this time, try to remain calm and relaxed without tightness.

· Make another whooshing, slowly and steadily exhale through your mouth, pursing the lips, for the count of 8 seconds. As you breath out, make a soft sound.

Practice this pattern four time for full breaths. Gradually increasing to eight breaths as you become comfortable with practice.

A person may feel lightheaded after doing this for the first few times. Therefore, it is recommended to do this when sitting or lying down to prevent falls or dizziness.

Also, for the persons who cannot hold their breath for long enough such as, aged persons or persons with breathing problems. They can reduce the time to half, such as

· Breathing in through nose for 2 seconds

· Holding the breath for a count of 3.5 seconds

· Exhaling through the mouth for a count of 8 seconds

Tips for Practicing the 4 7 8 breathing technique:

· Maintain a relaxed pace

· Practice Consistently

· Find a quiet environment

· Be patient and persistent

As long as the person maintain a regular practice, they observe the benefits after few days or weeks. Practice the technique one to two times a day regularly.

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

Benefits of 4 7 8 technique:

· Reducing Anxiety:

It activates the body’s relaxation response, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

· Improved quality sleep:

Practicing this technique before bedtime can promote relaxation and help in falling asleep quickly.

· Enhanced focus and concentration:

It can help clear the mind, improve focus, and increase mental clarity.

This technique offers many health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and helping a person to fall asleep quickly. The only observing side effect if lightheadedness. If a person experiences this, they should stop using the technique or changes the length of their breaths.



Health Dairies

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