A Beginner’s Guide to Pursed Lip Breathing: Techniques, Benefits, and Practice

Health Dairies
3 min readDec 28, 2023


Hello Guys!

Welcome Back.

Today I am going to share with you another popular breathing technique which is “Pursed Lip Breathing”. I will share with you an easy to follow and step-by-step guide. This beginners guide will cover what is pursed lip breathing how to practice it and its benefits.

It is a simple yet effective technique that can help people dealing with respiratory issues such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), asthma, or anxiety.

Photo by Indian Yogi (Yogi Madhav) on Unsplash

What is pursed lip breathing?

It is a breathing exercise that helps you to slow down your breathing rate to normal and allow you to inhale and exhale more air. It designed to make you breaths more effective by making them more intentional and slower. You slowly inhale through your nose and exhale gently through your puckering lips.

This technique helps to regulate breathing by keeping airways open longer during the process of exhalation. It allows more air to be exhaled, which can reduce the shortness of breathing.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

How to perform Pursed lip breathing Technique?

· Sit down with your back straight and relax your shoulder muscles.

· Breath in through your nose for the count of two seconds with your mouth closed. Just take a normal breath and try to fill your stomach with air.

· Purse your lips as if you’re about to whistle or blow out while eating hot food.

· Exhale gently and slowly through you lips for the count of four or more seconds.

· Then repeat this cycle. As you become familiar with the practice you can increase the time of inhale and exhale.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Benefits of pursed lip breathing

1. Improve Lung Function

This technique can help by increase the exchange of oxygen and improve the function of lung by keeping airways open for a longer period of time.

2. Reduced Shortness of Breath

For the people with respiratory conditions like COPD or asthma, this technique can help them making their breath more effective when they feel the condition of breathlessness.

3. Stress Reduction

This technique promotes relaxation by slowing down your breathing rate, helping in reducing anxiety and stress levels.

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

When to practice

1. When you are performing some form of physical activity

2. When you feel stressed and anxious

3. Practice this technique daily

Tips for Beginners

· Concentrate on making your exhale time twice as lengthy as your inhale.

· Try not to force your breath; let it flow comfortably and naturally.

· Practice regularly, ideally multiple times a day, to become familiar with the technique.

This technique is beneficial for everyone, especially for people with respiratory issues. Its simplicity makes it more accessible for beginners. Its effectiveness in regulating breathing and improving lung function should not be underestimated.

Try the pursed lip breathing today, and experience the benefits of it on your well-being.



Health Dairies

I love to share my knowledge with people. I love to write about personal development, lifestyle and much more. | BS Human Nutrition | https://ko-fi.com/abdulrah