Mega Project 2nd Blog

Abdul Wahab Ashraf
4 min readJan 15, 2018


Group Number: 1


Helping Special and Orphan Children

Starting of every project is difficult,if you are determined and know how to work as a team then every thing is possible.

As Abdul Sattar Edhi Sb principle of success is ”Just start work and let the work to teach you”. We also applied the same principle and started working on our mega project which was helping of special and orphan children. According to schedule the first week is for planning and we successfully did it where all the group member raises their plans and ides to pursue project .All the team members sat together and successfully make a plan to complete project.

The main point of plan are following:

  1. Raise Funds.
  2. Planing different activities to engage children.
  3. Manage Lunch for 207 children.
  4. Purchasing Fruits and gifts.
  5. Purchasing school bags for them.
  6. purchasing of wheelchair.

What were the challenges?

The purpose of the project is to make Amal fellows enough capable to face difficult situation and to learn How to tackle the situation. The first challenge was to raise funds for project. As fund raising is a critical and difficult task in the current environment where a lot of fake people collect funds and use for dangerous purposes that is the reasons people hesitate and confused about the group of people who really serve the nation.Although Pakistani nation is on the top who gives Charity.

So, we accept this challenge and just start work.We started from our fellows, University Fellows,siblings, faculty members and from local people.Almost all the people appreciated our effort and encourages us to continue this types of Kind Acts.

The success was assumed by this things the other fellows other than our team impressed by our work and showed their interest to work with us as social worker.

Their are lot of other challenges like management of lunch,fruit and gifts purchasing and other.

Visit to Fruit market

We went to Ghulam Muhammad Abad Fruit market to buy pure and fresh fruit with our hand.We buy bananas ,apples ,oranges for them.Most of our group members are related to food degree we successfully buy these fruits its also a wonderful experience for us.

Special day for special ones

We were working with SOS team who are the caretaker of orphans and special children. We reached at care center of children ,all the things was according to the schedule.

Activities to engage children and orphan students

Firstly ,we engaged children with different activities. There are different types of children, like special children,small girls, orphans school and college students.We divide our team accordingly and small children were engaged in in-house activities like drawing,coloring,balloons and paper toys.

The other college and school boys were engaged in cricket and betterment competition.After that we gathered all the student and conducted a general knowledge quiz competition.We also distributed gifts among the winners

After that we offered them lunch and also provided fruits.Finally gives bags and wheel chairs. We thanked the management for cooperation.

Arranging Dinner

We also prepare rice for all children and their staff with a proper responsibility.Make vegetable rice keep in mind the health of children.

Visit to Eliya Care Home

We also visited to Eliya Care home where special children are studying.We engage the children with activities of drawing,cricket ,balloons other. We make them happy by different way. It was really a different experience we ever experienced. We feel that we are come in a different world were everyone is very innocent.We help the organization with funds and help them to buy a table for children.

After spending the whole day with special and orphan children we feel the real happiness,satisfaction and proud that Allah Almighty make us a source to help orphans and disables. All they need is our help and sport so that these children can live and study comfortably and become responsible citizens and contribute their effort to make brighter Pakistan.We are determent to continue this type of kind work to help needy people.



Abdul Wahab Ashraf

I’m a student of Food Engineering.I wanted to make this world better by giving new thoughts.