Abdul Wasay Mubeen
2 min readApr 7, 2023

When I was asked to apply the technique I just learned in the productivity course, many activities came to my mind but I selected the one in which I had to complete 50% of the productivity course in around two hours.

Throughout the activity I didn’t find it difficult to implement but the only thing that I required was self-control over my mind.

The POMODORO technique helped me to achieve my target in around 6 rounds with the very satisfying result which gave me a sense of achieving something within a timeframe.


I succeeded in achieving my target without the appearance of Panik Monister at the end of the task. Therefore, I will try to implement this technique in every situation where I’ll be facing a time limit issue. Also, I believe it could be improved by adding 3–5 min planning time before officially starting a stopwatch so that I will be able to apply 10/90 rule as well which says 10% planning time can save the 90% time invested in making effort.

In conclusion of this activity, I want to mention some challenges faced by me which were mostly related to my thoughts e.g. What would I like to do during a break? Or reflecting back on a conversation with a classmate, curiosity about Whatsapp messages, some calculations regarding productivity course completion etc. Finally, with 4 ticks I was only be able to complete 32% of the course and then later with some extra time I completed it.

