The Energy Dilemma: Bitcoin, AI, and the Power Predicament

Abe Bellini
3 min readOct 4, 2023
bitcoin mining

In a world that’s increasingly digitized, energy consumption has become a hot topic of discussion, particularly in the context of Bitcoin and artificial intelligence (AI).

Critics have often pointed fingers at Bitcoin’s energy-intensive mining process, but recent shifts towards renewable energy sources are giving the cryptocurrency a greener outlook.

What’s the fuss about Bitcoin and energy consumption?

Bitcoin mining, the process that secures the network and validates transactions, has been criticized for its substantial energy use. The energy-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm employed by Bitcoin miners has led to concerns about its environmental impact.

Can shifting to renewable energy make Bitcoin more eco-friendly?

Absolutely. Bitcoin mining operations are increasingly shifting towards renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectric and solar power.

This transition could significantly reduce Bitcoin’s carbon footprint and address the energy…



Abe Bellini

A digital enthusiast with a passion for technology and the Metaverse..