Instagram and Facebook ads: part II

Gavriella Abekassis
3 min readJul 30, 2020


You can follow Out of the Cube on Instagram. If you want help with growing your career, have a look at my consultancy services!

Below are the first few paragraphs of a longer article. If you want to receive the entire text and similar articles on how to take control of and grow your career, join the Artist Business Tool Subscription!

In the previous article, I introduced you to Instagram and Facebook ads, and why I think they are an incredible opportunity for artists who want to put their work in front of the people who will appreciate it. We defined the core concepts used to describe ads, such as campaign, ad set, and creative. Finally, I walked you through the first step towards making an ad: creating a campaign, defining a marketing objective, and choosing the variable to A/B test.

In this article, we resume were we left off and go onto defining the ad’s audience, that is, the segment of Instagram and Facebook users our ad will be displayed to. To make the most of it, I encourage you to read the first article if you haven’t done so yet.

Before we get started, I wanted to let you know that I’m writing this article in the Eurostar: it’s first time in 4 months that I’m going out of London to see my family in Paris :) I’m quite excited and I hope that you too can soon see your loved ones again, or go on holidays.

Resuming from where you left off

Go to the Facebook ads manager (remember to bookmark this page). You should see the campaign you created last time. If you don’t, make sure that you are looking at the dashboard for the account you used to create the campaign. Switching account in the ads manager is not very intuitive. The image below shows you how to do it.

By default, the ads manager might be loading the campaigns for a different account

Hover over the campaign name, and an “Edit campaign” link will appear underneath it. If you click the link, Facebook will send you to a page where you can resume creating your campaign.

Resuming the creation of your campaign

Location, gender and age

When resuming your campaign creation, you should automatically land on the page where you can define your first ad set. Click on “Audience” on the menu on the left hand side to skip some of the less interesting steps. We’ll come back to them in a later article.

When creating an audience for your ad set you first have to choose the location, gender and age range of the people you want to target.

Note that you should leave the “Custom Audiences” field blank. It’s a more advanced feature which we’ll cover in a later article, and which allows you to target people who have interacted in specific ways with your website, Instagram account, Facebook page, and much more.

For locations, you can add entire countries or cities all the way down to single streets. You can also exclude locations. This is useful if you want to target a country but exclude some of its cities. For example, you may want to target all of the United Kingdom, except London.

Choosing the location, gender and age of your target audience

To read the rest of the article, join the Artist Business Tool Subscription!



Gavriella Abekassis

Founder of Out of the Cube, a blog helping artists sell their works.