Web3 Geo-Refund Protocol: Streamlining Location-Based Transactions

Abel Bekele
8 min readFeb 10, 2024

In our latest venture, we’re diving deep into the realm of logistics and delivery operations, revolutionizing the way things are done by marrying advanced GPS technology with the power of blockchain. Through the integration of Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApps), we’re on a mission to streamline operations and maximize efficiency like never before.

Imagine a world where drivers are rewarded automatically based on their adherence to designated geographic zones, all made possible through our innovative approach. This not only boosts efficiency but also brings a new level of transparency to the logistics sector.

Technology Overview

Our system employs a location-based smart contract mechanism to facilitate automatic payments for drivers who maintain compliance with designated geographic zones. GPS data captured from drivers’ smartphones is seamlessly transmitted to the Ethereum smart contract at predefined intervals. Upon satisfying the compliance conditions outlined in the contract, cryptocurrency transactions are executed as payments. Additionally, an ERC20 token system is integrated into the smart contract to reward compliant behavior, incentivizing drivers to adhere to designated zones consistently.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that records transactions securely and transparently across multiple computers. It’s immutable and resistant to tampering, with key features including decentralization, transparency, immutability, and security.

Ethereum is a decentralized computing platform powered by blockchain, featuring the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It uses Ether (ETH) as its native cryptocurrency for transactions and network security. Smart contracts, self-executing agreements written in code, are a prominent feature of Ethereum, enabling developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) for various purposes.

Ethereum networks include public networks like the Ethereum Mainnet and testnets for development and testing. Private networks, including development and consortium networks, serve specific use cases with controlled access and governance.

In summary, Ethereum networks drive blockchain innovation, enabling real-value transactions, testing of smart contracts, and development of decentralized applications across a range of industries.

Project Goal

Our primary objective is to develop and deploy a tested smart contract on a testnet, alongside a user interface for real-time monitoring and management.

Tools for Streamlined Operations

We’ve crafted a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance efficiency and transparency. At the heart of our project are three key components: a mobile app tailored for driver tracking, a sophisticated smart contract, and a user-friendly web app dedicated to administrative tasks.

Mobile App: Empowering Drivers with Precision Tracking

Our mobile app stands as a beacon of empowerment for drivers, offering precise tracking capabilities that ensure optimal route adherence. Seamlessly integrated with GPS technology, this app provides real-time insights into driver locations, allowing for proactive adjustments and improved efficiency on the road. With this tool in hand, drivers can navigate designated geographic zones with ease, all while contributing to a smoother, more streamlined delivery process.

Smart Contract: Automating Payments and Compliance

Central to our operation is a cutting-edge smart contract, meticulously crafted to automate payments and ensure compliance with designated zones. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, this contract executes cryptocurrency transactions based on predefined conditions, rewarding drivers for their adherence to geographic constraints. By eliminating manual intervention and introducing a transparent, tamper-resistant system, our smart contract enhances efficiency while fostering trust and accountability within the logistics sector.

Web App (Admin): Effortless Management

At the helm of our administrative arsenal is a sleek web app designed to streamline the management of drivers and optimize operational workflows. With intuitive controls and comprehensive features, this platform empowers administrators to oversee and orchestrate every aspect of the delivery process with ease. From route assignment to performance monitoring and payment processing, our web app simplifies complex tasks, allowing administrators to focus on driving productivity and maximizing efficiency.

Together, these interconnected tools form the backbone of our endeavor to revolutionize logistics and delivery operations. With precision tracking, automated payments, and effortless management capabilities, we’re poised to usher in a new era of efficiency and transparency in the industry. Join us on this journey as we redefine the standards of excellence in logistics technology.

Mobile App

Our Flutter app is a powerful tool designed to empower drivers in the logistics and delivery sector. Here’s a snapshot of what it does:

1. Driver Tracking: The app allows drivers to track their routes in real-time using GPS technology. This feature ensures that drivers can navigate efficiently and stay on track with their deliveries.

2. Automating Payments: Through seamless integration with our Ethereum-based smart contract, the app automates payment transactions for drivers based on their adherence to designated geographic zones. This eliminates the need for manual processing and ensures fair compensation for their services.

3. Route Optimization: With built-in route optimization algorithms, the app suggests the most efficient routes for drivers, helping them save time and fuel costs while maximizing productivity.

4. Performance Monitoring: The app provides drivers with insights into their performance metrics, including delivery times, distances traveled, and adherence to schedules. This enables drivers to identify areas for improvement and enhance their overall efficiency.

5. Communication Hub: In addition to its operational features, the app serves as a communication hub, allowing drivers to stay connected with dispatchers and receive important updates or instructions in real-time.

6. User-Friendly Interface: With a clean and intuitive interface, the app is easy to navigate, ensuring that drivers can access the information they need quickly and efficiently, even while on the go.

In summary, our Flutter app is a comprehensive solution that empowers drivers with the tools they need to navigate, perform, and communicate effectively in the logistics and delivery industry. From route tracking to payment automation, it’s designed to streamline operations and maximize efficiency every step of the way.

Smart Contract

The smart contract automates payments and ensures compliance based on the geographic location of employees. Here's how it works:

  1. Employee Registration: The contract allows administrators to register employees by providing their details such as name, allowed distance from a specified location, contract end timestamp, and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).
  2. Evaluation of Compliance: The contract periodically evaluates whether employees are within the allowed distance from the specified location. It calculates the distance between the employee’s current location (provided as input parameters) and the designated location using mathematical formulas.
  3. Payment Automation: If an employee is within the allowed distance and their contract is still active, the contract triggers automatic payments to reward compliant behavior. Conversely, if an employee is not compliant, appropriate penalties or deductions may be applied.
  4. Data Retrieval: The contract provides functions to retrieve employee details and the number of registered employees, ensuring transparency and accountability in the system.

Overall, the smart contract streamlines operations by automating payments based on employees' adherence to geographic criteria, fostering efficiency and fairness in the process.

Web app

The web app, serves as a user interface for managing and tracking vehicles within a web application. Here's what it does:

  1. Title and Description: It displays a the “Vehicles” along with a description “Manage and track all vehicles”, providing users with context about the purpose of the page.
  2. Add Employee Button: Users can click on the “Add Employee” button to toggle the visibility of an “Add Employee” form or section. This allows users to input employee details for further management.
  3. Tab Navigation: The component includes tab navigation options for different vehicle categories such as “All vehicles”, “Trucks”, “Trailers”, and “Tankers”. Clicking on each tab updates the displayed content accordingly, organizing vehicle data based on categories.
  4. Search Icon: At the end of the tab navigation, there’s a search icon that allows users to perform searches within the displayed content, enhancing usability.
  5. Table Content: The main content area displays vehicle data in a table format. The data is dynamically rendered based on the selected tab, ensuring that users only see relevant information for the chosen vehicle category.

Overall, the component provides users with a comprehensive interface for managing and tracking vehicles, allowing for easy navigation between different categories and the ability to add new employees as needed.

Result & conclusion

The result is a seamless ecosystem where drivers can navigate designated zones with precision, receive automatic rewards for compliance, and communicate efficiently with dispatchers. Administrators can oversee operations effortlessly, ensuring transparency and accountability at every step. Together, these innovations redefine the standards of excellence in logistics technology, paving the way for a future of enhanced efficiency and transparency in the industry.

In conclusion, the integration of advanced GPS technology with blockchain in the logistics and delivery sector brings forth a transformative solution. By employing Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, we’ve streamlined operations and maximized efficiency. Our suite of tools, including the mobile app for driver empowerment, the smart contract for automated payments and compliance, and the user-friendly web app for administrative tasks, forms the backbone of this revolution.

Future Works

While our current suite of tools has already made significant strides in revolutionizing logistics and delivery operations, we have ambitious plans for further enhancements and expansions. Here are some of the future works we envision:

  1. Enhanced Mobile App Features: We plan to enrich our mobile app with additional features to further empower drivers and optimize their performance. This may include real-time traffic updates, weather alerts, and integration with external navigation services for even more efficient route planning.
  2. Advanced Smart Contract Functionality: Our smart contract is the cornerstone of our payment and compliance system. In the future, we aim to enhance its functionality by incorporating more sophisticated algorithms for evaluating compliance, introducing dynamic pricing models based on demand and supply, and integrating additional security measures to mitigate potential risks.
  3. Expansion of Web App Capabilities: Our web app will continue to evolve to meet the growing needs of administrators and managers. We plan to introduce advanced analytics and reporting tools to provide deeper insights into operations, improve user management functionalities, and integrate with external systems for seamless data exchange.
  4. Integration with IoT Devices: To further enhance the accuracy and reliability of our location-based transactions, we intend to integrate our system with Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as GPS trackers, sensors, and RFID tags. This will enable real-time monitoring of vehicles and shipments, as well as automated data collection for enhanced decision-making.



Abel Bekele

Generative AI Engineer passionate about integrating technology to solve complex challenges. With a background in Mechatronics, Data Science & Machine Learning.