Thank Russia for Winning World War II

Abel Cohen
23 min readMay 8, 2018
Until 1945 this is how U.S. kids pledged allegiance to the flag.

The USA fought a quarter of the war that the USSR did and then opened fire on them at the end. In Europe, D-day was calculated to halt our ally’s advance to the west; not liberate it from German white supremacists. And we waited to invade until 11 months before the war was over because our richest racists found a way to keep doing business with the aryans until 1945. We should not take credit for victory in Europe; the soviets barely held on essentially alone for three years against Hitler’s armies. Thankfully his ego and the steppe winter would stop them, because America certainly didn’t!

Similarly in Asia, the atomic bomb was a racist travesty timed to stop our ally’s advance. It was not to save American lives from an invasion of Japan some claim had to happen immediately in order to beat the Russians to Tokyo after we lost Berlin to them. In true corporatist fashion, much of this war was brought to you by the Japanese sneak attack on a Pacific island our sugar companies had only seized from its natives a mere 50 years earlier in 1893; not to save Europe’s beleaguered Jews, godless Slavs or the Chinese and Ethiopians who first faced militant fascism in 1933–35.

Bucharest 1944: Look at that sick, state of the art tank the UK was so kind as to give the Russians under lend-lease: a real game-changer.

