Create-react-app files/folders structure explained

Abhishek Singh
4 min readJun 14, 2020
Icon of react via wikimedia

For those of you who don’t know what create-react-app( aka CRA) is:

Create React App is a comfortable environment for learning React, and is the best way to start building a new single-page application in React.

It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production. You’ll need to have Node >= 8.10 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine.

For further information you can use facebook’s page for create-react-app here.

When we use create-react-app tool it creates a hierarchy of files and folder. In this article we are going to have a look and explain this structure in as minimalistic way as possible, more or less like cheat-sheet so that you can come back to this article if you are confused about a file or folder created by create-react-app further down the road while learning react.

As on 13th June, 2020 the hierarchical structure that you are going to end up with, when using CRA, will look something like this:

Hierarchy of files and folders created by CRA

Node Modules and root folder files


Contains all the dependencies that are needed for an initial working react app


This file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore


This file contains various metadata that is relevant to our project. It specifies the dependencies being used in the project which helps npm setup same environment on different machine for our project.

This file can be used to define usage, build instructions, summary of project, etc. It uses markdown markup language to create content.


This file has same purpose as package-lock.json, it ensures that your package is consistent across various machines by storing the versions of which dependencies are installed with your package.

Public folder and it’s files

public folder


Root folder that gets served up as our react app.


It’s an icon file that is used in index.html as favicon.


It is the template file which is served up when we run start script to launch our app. It is considered best practice not to create multiple html file in public folder instead use this file and inject react components in this file’s root div container. Other css libraries, etc can be defined in this files.

logo192.png & logo512.png(files)

These are react logo which is of dimension 192*192 px and 512*512 px and is used in the template file (index.html) by default. [can be removed once you are using your own component]


It’s used to define our app, mostly contains metadata. Used by mobile phones to add web app to the home-screen of a device. Part of PWA.


Defines rules for spiders, crawlers and scrapers for accessing your app.

Src folder and its files

src folder


In simplest form it’s our react app folder i.e. containing components, tests, css files etc. It’s the mind of our app.


Contains styles of our react component(App.js)


This file has very basic react component defined which can be replaced by our own root component


A very basic test(for the default app) is defined in this file which can be replace by our own tests. [make use of Jest]


Contains styles for general setup of our app.


This files renders our component and registers service workers(unregistered by default)


Svg file of react logo, being used in component(App.js) by default.


Service worker for pre-caching the scripts files of our react app thereby improving performance.


As the name suggest this files setups tests and runs them. This file in directly invoked when we run tests from cli(npm run test).[make use of Jest]

I might have missed a few files/folder, as the structure greatly various depending upon the scripts version we are using with create-react-app. All feedback and suggestions are welcomed.

If you like this article please hit the clap button as many times as you like, as it keeps me motivated to write more articles. Have a great weekend, Happy coding 😉.

And you can ping me on linkedin or gmail.



Abhishek Singh

Computer enthusiasts who loves coding💻 and photography📸 Pythonista🐍 Full stack developer