DSA: Doubly Linked List — Delete the first node

Abdul Fakhri
2 min readJul 25, 2021


  • First node will be deleted.
  • Process:
  1. Check the head If its not null create a temp node, pointing to the head.
  2. Move the head to the next of head.
  3. Delete the temp node.
  4. If the head is not null make prev as null.
  • Fig:


  • Its 4-step process; eg :


//create node structure = data structure

class Node


public $data;

public $prev;

public $next;


// the algorithm

class LinkedList


public $head;

public function __construct()




//display link contents

public function display()


$temp = new Node();

$temp = $this->head;

if ($temp != null) {

echo “The list contains: “;

while ($temp != null) {

echo $temp->data . “ “;

$temp = $temp->next;


echo “\n”;

} else {

echo “The list is empty.\n”;



//method to add elements at the end of the list

public function addElements($newElement)


$newNode = new Node();

$newNode->data = $newElement;

$newNode->next = null;

$newNode->prev = null;

if ($this->head == null) {

$this->head = $newNode;

} else {

$temp = new Node();

$temp = $this->head;

if ($temp->next != null) {

$temp = $temp->next;


$temp->next = $newNode;

$newNode->prev = $temp;



//Delete the first node

public function delete_first()


//Check the head if its null or not

if ($this->head != null) {

//1.If head is not null create a temp node pointing to the head

$temp = $this->head;

//2.Move the head node to the next of the head list

$this->head = $this->head->next;

//3.Delete the temp node

$temp = null;

//4.If the head is not null, then make the prev of the new head as null

if ($this->head != null) {

$this->head->prev = null;





//Write test for the code

//Create instance of the linked_list

$myLinkedList = new LinkedList();





//To print this list


echo “<br>”;




