How to Nail the “Tell Me About Yourself” Question in a Job Interview

Abdullah Güvhan
3 min readFeb 23, 2023

Learn how to nail the “Tell Me About Yourself” question in a job interview with this informative article.

You’ve submitted your resume and waited patiently for a response. Finally, you got that phone call and now you have an interview. Sitting across the table from the hiring director, you horrify when you hear the question,” Tell me about yourself.” You do not know what to say, and half through the discussion, you say to yourself,” Ugh! I blew it! Why did I even say that?!” Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Usually, the hiring manager makes up his or her mind in the first three minutes of the interview. Therefore, it is essential to make a good impression from the start.

From a CEO, hiring manager, and employer perspective, the best response to the question “tell me about yourself” is to focus on what value you bring to the company and what problems you can solve for them. When people hear that question, they think, “Oh, let me tell you my life story!” and twenty minutes into it, they have not talked about anything important. Therefore, it is crucial to make the mental switch and focus on what the hiring manager is asking.

One of the mistakes people make in job interviews is believing that they should just be themselves. However, it is essential to be your best self. You want to be authentic, but it doesn’t mean that you should share everything. The interview is like a first date, and you want to make a good first impression. Therefore, you should present your best self and lead with your strong foot forward. Tie everything you say back to what’s in it for the company, which is often referred to as W-I-I-F-M (What’s in it for me?).

To answer the “tell me about yourself” question, you should use a little script or template that focuses on the value you bring to the company. Start by introducing yourself briefly, and then focus on your achievements, skills, and experience that are relevant to the job. Don’t go on and on about all your background and experiences. Rather, try to make a connection between what you’ve done in history and what you can do for the company.

In conclusion, when answering the “tell me about yourself” question, it is essential to focus on what value you bring to the company and what problems you can solve for them. Make a good first impression by being your best self and tying everything you say back to what’s in it for the company. Use a little script or template to help you stay on track and make a connection between your past experiences and what you can do for the company. Remember, the hiring manager makes up their mind in the first three minutes of the interview, so make those minutes count.

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