Git branches and naming conventions by Abhay Amin

Naming conventions for Git Branches — a Cheatsheet

Abhay Amin
3 min readMay 1, 2023

Git is a distributed version control system that allows software developers to keep track of changes made to their code over time. A crucial aspect of using Git effectively is the proper usage and naming of branches. A branch in Git is essentially a unique set of code changes with a unique name.

When working in a team, a consistent Git branch naming convention provides clarity about the work done in a specific branch. It also makes it easier to locate a particular branch in a repository. Below we delve into some best practices when it comes to Git branch naming conventions. Use this as a cheat sheet for your daily Git use, and you’ll see your workflow efficiency skyrocket.

Basic Rules

  1. Lowercase and Hyphen-separated: Stick to lowercase for branch names and use hyphens to separate words. For instance, feature/new-login or bugfix/header-styling.
  2. Alphanumeric Characters: Use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0–9) and hyphens. Avoid punctuation, spaces, underscores, or any non-alphanumeric character.
  3. No Continuous Hyphens: Do not use continuous hyphens. feature--new-login can be confusing and hard to read.
  4. No Trailing Hyphens: Do not end your branch name with a hyphen. For example, feature-new-login- is not a good practice.
  5. Descriptive: The name should be descriptive and concise, ideally reflecting the work done on the branch.

Branch Prefixes

Using prefixes in branch names helps to quickly identify the purpose of the branches. Here are some common types of branches with their corresponding prefixes:

  1. Feature Branches: These branches are used for developing new features. Use the prefix feature/. For instance, feature/login-system.
  2. Bugfix Branches: These branches are used to fix bugs in the code. Use the prefix bugfix/. For example, bugfix/header-styling.
  3. Hotfix Branches: These branches are made directly from the production branch to fix critical bugs in the production environment. Use the prefix hotfix/. For instance, hotfix/critical-security-issue.
  4. Release Branches: These branches are used to prepare for a new production release. They allow for last-minute dotting of i’s and crossing t’s. Use the prefix release/. For example, release/v1.0.1.
  5. Documentation Branches: These branches are used to write, update, or fix documentation. Use the prefix docs/. For instance, docs/api-endpoints.

Including Jira (or other Project Management Tool) Ticket Numbers

In some workflows, especially in larger teams, it’s common to include the ticket number from a project management tool like Jira in the branch name. This makes it easy to track the work done on a specific ticket. For instance, if you are working on a ticket numbered “T-123” for adding a new login system, the branch name could be feature/T-123-new-login-system.

Sample Branch Names

Here are some samples of good branch names following the above conventions:

  1. feature/T-456-user-authentication
  2. bugfix/T-789-fix-header-styling
  3. hotfix/T-321-security-patch
  4. release/v2.0.1
  5. docs/T-654-update-readme


Branch naming conventions in Git, while not enforced by the system itself, are crucial for maintaining a clean and understandable codebase, especially when working in a team. By following these conventions, you can ensure that your branches are easily identifiable



Abhay Amin

I’m a web developer and graphic designer living in Mumbai. I spend my time with many different teams, from startups, dev teams and also a football team.