Exo Politics: nearing the precipice that determines levels of disclosure

3 min readSep 24, 2023

“Exo-politics” is a term that combines “exo-” (meaning external or outside of) with “politics” (the study or practice of governance and decision-making within a society). It refers to a field of study and advocacy that explores the now very real political, social, and governmental implications and interactions between humans and extraterrestrial life or advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. In the context of exo-politics, “exo-” represents the external or off-planet aspect of political and diplomatic relationships. Advocates and researchers in this field examine the potential consequences and challenges that has arisen between various intelligent beings from other planets and Earth governments. Exo-politics is concerned with questions surrounding governance, representation, diplomacy, and decision-making on a global scale in response to such scenarios.

The disclosure of extraterrestrial life triggers a challenging cascade within the belief structure of self-concepts. A self-concept is the sense and belief in your reality and your place within it, something we often vigorously defend. Altering that reality changes our beliefs and demands an adaptation of self-concept. While cinematography and other mediums have been used to shape Earth’s collective concept of reality, life, and extraterrestrial life for millennia, the question of disclosure remains tangled in the political backlog that has concealed advanced technologies and awareness of other life in the universe — and not for compassionate reasons. The current agenda is marked by blockades and threats designed to preserve existing power structures, institutions, vested interests, and motives. The question is, where is all this political discourse and posturing leading us as a species — the human race?

In terms of experience in cosmic affairs, Earth’s governments have been interacting with extraterrestrial life for decades. Why hide? Why keep secrets? Who gets to decide when the people are ready? These are all questions stemming from a rational self-concept. However, for some, these questions do not align with a rational concern for humanity as a race on this planet. No, their self-concept defines their agenda as paramount, even if it means selling out their own species for position, money, power, and control. The current disclosure events appear to be more political maneuvers, more posturing, more hubris, more denial, more dogma, and more prejudice. They — the political powers — must truly think that people are naive and lack foresight, but they are sorely mistaken. A self-concept dominated by hubris naturally leads to the conclusion that others do not know their secrets, their web of tricks, that their eyes and ears are everywhere. Such beliefs, however reinforced, are a delusion perpetuated by a severely lacking self-concept.

The fact is, people are intelligent, capable, and possess great potential. This unique expression of will, awareness, possibility, and power cannot be removed or defeated and is only temporarily obscured by a consensus on reality. This consensus is being challenged within the collective self-concept, and as we step into the frontier of a new era, the dawn of quantum vacuum energy and gravity control, we sense, if only intuitively, that the winds of change are upon us all! Who will adapt, and who will resist adaptation? What will become of us as the years unfold into the 22nd century? Will we unite as one race, the inhabitants of Earth? Or will the dogma and prejudice that taint the recesses of our self-concept continue to hinder the potential for prosperity and stability?




These are personal opinions, and thoughts on existence, and this is not the place for people to express fear, anger, or insult. Be aware, and respectful.