Francesca’s Notes

2 min readOct 28, 2023


3rd level species

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there existed a group known as “the Visitors.” They were not inhabitants of a single planet but rather the travelers who journeyed to renunciate-inhabited worlds. These planets were undergoing a remarkable transition, moving away from tethered life or mere being-ness toward a more profound state of existence.

The Visitors were practitioners of a collective philosophy they referred to as “the Path of the Grey.” This path was embraced by many humanoid civilizations and served as a guide for achieving higher states of consciousness and understanding. It’s worth noting that the color of robes worn by these practitioners served as indicators of their levels of commitment to this spiritual path. However, these colors did not signify levels of revelation; instead, they were symbols of dedication to the path.

Within this philosophy, the concept of “is-ness” was central. It was understood that the essence of being transcended superficial attributes like the color of one’s robe or one’s species. Is-ness was intrinsic to every form of existence, an integral part of being, and a unifying force that connected all things. The Visitors emphasized that everything was part of this is-ness, fostering a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity among beings and species throughout the cosmos.




These are personal opinions, and thoughts on existence, and this is not the place for people to express fear, anger, or insult. Be aware, and respectful.