Google Workspace to Office 365 Migration

5 min readJun 13, 2024


Summary: It is an informative guide where readers can look at the different ways to migrate from Google Workspace to Office 365. This article includes the various scenarios where you need to migrate data from G-Suite to Office 365.

Google Workspace is a hub of Google services and tools where users can easily use services in one place. Whereas, Office 365 is a part of the Microsoft 365 suite, where users can use cloud services from any place at any time on any device.

There are many reasons an individual or an organization needs to transfer Google data to a Microsoft account. But the main query is does Google or Microsoft provide a migration service between them? If the answer is yes, do both securely migrate data to the destination?

Yes, you can migrate Google Workspace data to Office 365 manually via Exchange Admin Center or using the PowerShell command. Let’s look at the steps to migrate data using both manual methods.

Table of Content

· Google Workspace to Office 365: Migration
Using Exchange Admin Center (EAC)
Using PowerShell
Using Automated Tool
· Scenarios: Where you Need Migration Tool

Google Workspace to Office 365: Migration

Using Exchange Admin Center (EAC)

  • Step 1: Go to EAC and Login with admin credentials.
  • Step 2: Click on the Add-Migration Batch tab, Then enter the unique name and specify the migration path.
  • Step 3: Under the Migration Type page, select the Google Workspace categories to migrate.
  • Step 4: Under the Prerequisites tab, expand Manually configure your Google Workspace for migration and configure the following details.
    * Create a Google Service Account.
    * Enable API Usage in your project.
    * Grant access to the service account for your Google tenant.
  • Step 5: Under the migration endpoint tab, select any one option.
    * Select the migration endpoint: Select the existing migration endpoint from the drop-down list.
    * Create a new migration endpoint: Select this option if you’re a first-time user. To learn more, go to the URL

Note: To migrate Gmail data to Office 365, you need a migration endpoint. It is a setting that is used to create the connection so you can migrate the data. If you selected the Select the migration endpoint option in the previous tab, then directly jump to step 7.

  • Step 6.1: Visit the General Information page and fill out the following:
    * Migration Endpoint Name.
    * Maximum concurrent migrations.
    * Maximum concurrent incremental syncs, once done, hit Next.
  • Step 6.2: In the Gmail migration configuration screen, do this:
    * Type the email address you sign in for Google Workspace.
    * Click Import JSON, and a window appears. Browse the JSON file and open it.
    * The endpoint is successfully created, it will be listed under the Migration endpoint drop-down. Select it & click Next.
  • Step 7: Under the Add user tab, click Import CSV file and navigate to the folder where you have saved the CSV file.
  • Step 8: Under the Configuration page, select the target delivery domain from the drop-down, verify other details, and click Next.
  • Step 9: On the Schedule page, verify all the details, click Save, and click Done.

Once the batch status changes from Syncing to Synced, you need to confirm migration batch completion.

Using PowerShell

It is necessary to find the email address for the admin within the Google Workspace environment. This email address will be used to test connectivity between Google Workspace and Office 365.

  • Step 1: Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.
  • Step 2: Run the following command. We take Anuj123 as an email for example.

Cmd: Test-MigrationServerAvailability -Gmail ServiceAccountKeyFileData $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes(“C:\\somepath\\yourkeyfile.json”)) -EmailAddress

  • Step 3: Verify the test is successful. If it is successful, run the following command:

Cmd: New-MigrationEndpoint -Gmail -ServiceAccountKeyFileData $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes(“C:\\somepath\\yourkeyfile.json”)) -EmailAddress -Name gmailEndpoint

  • Step 4: Now we have to create a migration batch in Office 365, for this and connect to Exchange Online again.
  • Step 5: Create a CSV file with a user email address for the existing Office 365 mailbox and username (optional).
  • Step 6: After preparing the CSV file, execute this command.

Cmd: New-MigrationBatch -SourceEndpoint gmailEndpoint -Name gmailBatch -CSVData $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\\somepath\\gmail.csv")) -TargetDeliveryDomain ""

  • Step 7: Run the following command to start the migration.

Cmd: Start-MigrationBatch -Identity gmailBatch

Note: Both of the above methods are lengthy and daunting to perform. Use the G Suite to Office 365 migration as an automated tool to easily and quickly migrate the whole data.

Using Automated Tool

  • Step 1: Install the tool on your system (URL). Launch it. Select G Suite (Google Workspace) as the source and Office 365 as the destination.
  • Step 2: Select the categories under the Workload section and apply the Date-range filter for a specific range of items.
  • Step 3: Under the Source tab, enter the Admin Email, and Service Account, and upload the P12 Certificate. Press Validate.
  • Step 4: Under the Destination tab, enter the Admin Email and Application ID. Click the Validate button.
  • Step 5: Under the Users tab, select any one out of Fetch User, Import CSV, and Download Template.
  • Step 6: Under the Preview page, verify the user’s list and set account priority. Click the Start Migration button.

Scenarios: Where you Need Migration Tool

#Case 1: Companies might want to migrate from a Google Workspace to Office 365 because of the need for specific Microsoft 365 features.

#Case 2: Another reason could be that an administrator wants to integrate Google data with other Microsoft products. Due to data complexities, the admin needs to migrate data to Microsoft.

#Case 3: It could be a change in company policy or compliance requirements. Due to this, an organization swiftly moved from Google to Microsoft.

#Case 4: Migration can also be necessary during a merger or acquisition if the parent company uses Office 365 while others use Google Workspace.

#Case 5: When an organization changes its domain name from Google to Microsoft, it needs a migration process to transfer the existing data to a new domain.

#Case 6: Suppose a large corporation divides one of the departments as a separate entity with its own Office 365 tenant. They need a migration tool to ensure data integrity and minimum disruption.


Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 are giants in terms of cloud services and features. Due to several reasons, one could need a migration service to transfer data from one cloud server to another.

Users can go for the manual migration method because it’s free, but at the same time, it is lengthy and needs technical knowledge. The best way to migrate data is to use an automated tool with easy and quick steps.




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