Addictions and Mindfulness

Abhay Gautam
3 min readSep 8, 2022


The good times can make you ignore the hard times you have faced. But do not let the vigour disappear. Those who forget the hard times go on the endless pursuit of wealth, power and fame.

The more you indulge in the fine food and luxuries more you will strive for them.

This hunger for wealth, fame and luxuries is a never-ending pursuit. In this pursuit, many ruin the lives of everyone in their surroundings. The first step toward the downfall starts with a person’s greed.

The greed for wealth and more ecstasy makes him do acts which are not something the person would want to reveal to the world.

Once a person steps into the realm of drugs and other addictions thoughtlessly, there is no turning back.

A man smoking cigarette, addictions by Abhay Gautam
Control addictions(Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash)

Your future is dependent on the things you have done. A person who knows that he has done something wrong will feel it within himself.

Karma always stays with us in the form of memories and vibrations.

This guilt and negative feeling will stay inside the person. Sometimes in dormant and sometimes in active form. Soon the person will reap the results accordingly.

He who has done which he should not have will have to balance it out one way or the other.

Getting in peace with yourself is the first step to freeing yourself from all the guilt you have accumulated.

Why calm this greedy mind?

  • More control over your life.
  • Increased joy in life.
  • Self-improvement becomes easy.
  • Better relationships.
Forgive yourself by Abhay Gautam
Forgive Yourself (Photo by Simon HUMLER on Unsplash)

If you cannot forgive yourself, then no one can. Once you pardon yourself, then the journey to betterment will begin. The voyage will begin in the mind when you start thinking good about everyone.

Soon, the thoughts a person thinks will take shape in reality. Then he will be able to see the results manifested. In terms of the external help that others receive and the help, you receive internally.

These things will make the mind calm and bring joy to the life of a person with a restless mind.

How to calm this greedy mind?

  • Practice meditation.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Help others in need.
  • Socialise.
  • Press the reset button for all your addictions at regular intervals.
  • Once in a while, try to abstain from even the necessities.

You can reset anything by refraining from it for some time.

A person who can live with the bare minimum necessities and addictions is the most joyous.

It does not mean that you have to abstain from everything forever. But a person must have enough control over his addictions. He should be capable of coming back whenever he wants to.

In your mind, you might think that you can leave any addiction anytime you want to. But you can not know it unless you try it.

So, the important thing is to practice abstaining from the addictions at regular intervals.

Abstaining will make even the most trivial things wonderful.

Conclusion —

The good times can make you ignore the hard times you have faced. But do not let the vigour disappear. Those who forget the hard times go on the endless pursuit of wealth, power and fame. This hunger for wealth, fame and luxuries is a never-ending pursuit.

Getting in peace with yourself is the first step to freeing yourself from all the guilt you have accumulated. A person who can live with the bare minimum necessities and addictions is the most joyous. Abstaining will make even the most trivial things wonderful.



Abhay Gautam

My interest varies from — Quantum Cryptography to JavaScript, Poster making to learning Japanese, Meteorology to Singing. I like to write Articles and Quotes.