Kind Words

Abhay Gautam
1 min readJun 13, 2022


Kind words By Abhay Gautam

I know the power of kind words. It shows that someone can relate and actually cares. It also has the power to heal a person.

Kind gentle words can heal like a powerful medicine. In this fast-moving society, very few people are thinking about the well-being of others.

Kind words and a smiling face can bring happiness to everyone’s life. I try to speak kind words with empathy because everyone has a fair share of ups and downs in life.

Everyone likes the company of joyous people who speaks kind words. The world would be a better place if there are more people in it who cares.

I am constantly putting efforts in the direction of helping everyone. By helping other people more joy is coming into my life.


Kind words are powerful and have the power to heal. Kind words and smiling faces can bring joy to everyone’s life. Everyone likes the company of joyous and kind people. Helping other people brings joy to my life.



Abhay Gautam

My interest varies from — Quantum Cryptography to JavaScript, Poster making to learning Japanese, Meteorology to Singing. I like to write Articles and Quotes.