Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free, (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series

Abhay Talreja
3 min readOct 4, 2016


So, while I was deploying my meteor application onto the Digital Ocean, i happen to research a little on how to make my website ‘https’ — I didn’t have much of an experience but i always knew that if I ponder upon any website that has a ‘https’ instead of ‘http’ — it is much safer. For example, facebook, google, — Yes, another site I visit quite often.

That’s when I tumbled upon an article by Josh OwensSSL and Meteor.js

I realized 2 important things from this article:

  1. Getting security on your website is very easy!
  2. Getting security on your website is pretty much free!

Well, so i went to read and learn about security and not only read it but also successfully achieved it. You can see it here.

Cutting down the chase, here are the major steps that you need to go through in order to set it up. I have created a video series with a hope that at least all the meteor applications will be https in future with an A+ certificate like this.

Security A+

Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series — Part 1

Here are the high-level steps that you will follow in this part.

  1. Create a droplet
  2. Create a new user
  3. Add Public Key Authentication
  4. Test login from your machine.

Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free, (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series — Part 2

Here are the high-level steps that you will follow in this part.

  1. Adjust Firewall
  2. Setup your Domain Name

Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free, (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series — Part 3

Here are the high-level steps that you will follow in this part.

  1. Install Nginx
  2. Adjust the Firewall
  3. Test your webserver
  4. Learn more on how to manage Nginx Process

Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free, (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series — Part 4

Here are the high-level steps that you will follow in this part.

  1. Install Let’s Encrypt client.
  2. Obtain SSL certificate
  3. Configure TLS/SSL on webserver (Nginx)
  4. Adjust the firewall to allow for SSL traffic.
  5. Enabling the changes in Nginx
  6. Set up Auto Renewal of your certificates (they expire in 90 days)

Configure Digital Ocean for ssl (https) for free, (Bonus Meteor setup) — Video Series Part 5

Here are the high-level steps that you will follow in this part.

  1. Setup your custom domain on digital ocean.
  2. Update Ports and redirects with Nginx
  3. Using Meteor-up deploy your app.

Yes, a lot of steps to do but fairly simple when you have it rightly documented.


I have learned a lot deploying my website Coolmoviebites using the Telescope app which is completely based on Meteor and Front-end is React.

I have implemented a lot of features probably not documented or partly documented. If you happen to see certain features that you need help with. Feel free to reach out.

Do let me know if you like this post or if you have any follow-up questions.

Happy Learning and Doing!



Abhay Talreja

A passionate Technologist with over 16 years of experience in software and web development. Saas Products that I Build Fast, Validate Fast, Earn Fast!