Day-1 :Getting started with DevOps

Abhay Vishwakarma
3 min readJan 7, 2023

Here is my day 1 of the#90daysdevops challenge initiated by Shubham Londhe. I will give short outline on what is DevOps, why DevOps is used, Benefits of DevOps, Basic of automation, scaling and infrastructure, Tools of DevOps.

• What is DevOps…?

⁃ DevOps is a collaboration between development and operation teams, which enables continuous delivery of applications and services to our end users.
⁃ DevOps is an evolving philosophy and framework that encourages faster, better application development and faster release of new or revised software features or products to customers.

• Why is DevOps used..?

⁃ Predictability: DevOps offers a significantly lower failure rate of new releases.
⁃ Reproducibility: Version everything so that earlier versions can be restored anytime.
⁃ Maintainability: Effortless recovery process in the event of a new release crashing or disabling the current system.
⁃ Time to market: DevOps reduces the time to market up to 50% through streamlined software delivery. It is particularly the case for digital and mobile applications.
⁃ Greater Quality: DevOps helps the team improve application development quality by incorporating infrastructure issues.
⁃ Reduced Risk: DevOps incorporates security aspects in the software delivery lifecycle, and it helps reduce defects across the lifecycle.
⁃ Resiliency: The Operational state of the software system is more stable, secure, and changes are auditable.
⁃ Cost Efficiency: DevOps offers cost efficiency in the software development process, which is always an aspiration of IT management.
⁃ Breaks larger code base into small pieces: DevOps is based on the agile programming method. Therefore, it allows breaking larger codebases into smaller and manageable chunks.

• Benefits of DevOps:-

1. Continuous delivery of software
2. Better collaboration between teams
3. Easy deployment
4. Better efficiency and scalability
5. Errors are fixed at the initial stage
6. More security
7. Less manual intervention (which means fewer chances of error)

* Basis of Automation, Scaling and Infrastructure:

• What is Automation.?

⁃ Automation refers to the usage of tools and technologies to automate tasks, such as deployment of code etc. It can help to lower down the error count, improve efficiency, accelerate the delivery of services and applications and scale environments as well as build continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows. There are several tools which are used in DevOps automation tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, GIT, Jenkins, Ansible and many more.

• What is Scaling..?

⁃ Scaling refers to the ability to increase or decrease the capacity of an application or service to meet the demand. This is a dynamic process. In Lehman language, auto scaling helps to increase/ decrease the server count depending upon the load.

• What is Infrastructure..?

⁃ Infrastructure refers to the hardware and software resouces that are required to support the development, testing and deployment of applications and services which includes servers, storage systems, databases, networks as well as platforms needed to manage them.

• Tools in DevOps:-

1. Git:- Git is a distributed version control tool used to manage source code.
2. Maven:- Maven is an automation tool that helps teams build and manage software projects quickly.
3. Selenium:-Selenium is an open-source automation tool that is used to test web applications, mainly for regression and functional testing.
4. Jenkins:-Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration tool. It helps to automate continuous development, testing, and deployment of newly created codes.
5. Docker:-Docker is an OS-level virtualization software platform that enables developers and IT administrators to create, deploy and run applications and all their dependencies in a Docker container. A Docker Container is an executable package of an application and its dependencies together.
6. Ansible:-Ansible is a configuration management tool allowing applications to be deployed automatically in a variety of environments.
7. Nagios:-Nagios is an open-source tool that is used to monitor systems, servers, networks, and storage infrastructure.

Thank you for reading this blog. I hope you find this really interesting.
Abhay Vishwakarma

