Eduonix Learning Solution
6 min readApr 22, 2016


12 Resources to Learn Linux Administration

Maintaining Linux Systems is one of the highest paying jobs in the IT industry and it is certainly not an easy job, it requires understanding the system, setting up and even maintaining it.

Linux plays an important role in today’s world and has been integrated in numerous areas including movies, GPS location, hosting the WWW, and so much more. With so much running on Linux systems, it is no wonder why it is considered as one of the most required technologies in today’s day and age.

To learn Linux and become a Linux Systems Administrator is a tedious task, requiring hours of dedicated Linux training to understand the complex system. However, there are many different resources online that you can refer to for getting started with Linux. The rest only requires time and experimentation with the system once you have the basics down.

Here are 12 different resources that have been hand-picked and are excellent at acquainting you with the basics of Linux Administration System.

  1. Linux Training Videos

This is the Linux website that is dedicated to training the learner in all different aspects of Linux Administration, including the Linux operating system. It features over a thousand of different videos that teach you different aspects or functions of Linux. The videos have been compiled via submissions from many different people of varying expertise in Linux. It is a great resource to reference or to even learn from.

2. Linux Administration Books

This resource is slightly different from the rest of the ones on the list, solely because it is a list of books related to learning Linux. The website lists more than 15 links for books related to Linux and Linux Administration. When clicked, each link opens a page that shows you where you can, either buy the book or acquire a soft copy of it online. It is a great place if you have no idea where to start and which book is right for you. You can browse the books before deciding to purchase.

3. Eduonix Tutorial — Learn Linux Administration System

The Eduonix Linux tutorial is an excellent video tutorial for getting started with Linux Administration System. Also, if you are already familiar with the basics of Linux then this is the perfect course to help you with the advanced concepts as well as best practices of working with Linux. Another great aspect of this course is on the completion of the course, you will be awarded a Linux certification.

4. Linux Tutorials

An excellent website that covers small tutorials for different features of Linux and Linux Admin systems. It’s great if you only want to learn certain aspects of Linux instead of sitting through a whole 8–9 hour course. The short videos also enable you to learn at your own pace, picking up one aspect of Linux at a time.

5. UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook

This is the most referred to book on Linux Administration and also on the top of the search results when searching for learning Linux System Administration. It a full book dedicated to simply learning everything about Linux in terms of operating and maintaining a system. The link provided is a Google Drive link that offers a downloadable PDF version of the book for FREE. However, you can also purchase this book online.

6. The Linux System Administrator’s Guide

This is an online copy of the Linux System Administrator’s Guide, which is a great resource to have on hand when just starting to learn the Linux system. It is specifically designed for novices and answers all the questions that beginners come across when starting to learn Linux.

7. Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date

If you’ve already got the basics down of Linux, here is a great resource to teach you the best practices for managing patches and updates on either one Linux system or a networks of Linux computers. It is a start to finish patch management guide that covers topics such as managing Linux updates on a network, minimizing update loads in an internet connection, minimizing reliance on specific Linux distributions, and learning how to update every Linux computer on the local network without overloading the Internet connection.

8. 50 UNIX / Advanced Linux Training Tutorials

The GeekStuff is a hub that compiles mini tutorials or blog posts that detail different aspects of Linux. It is related to UNIX / Linux sysadmin and covers 50 different mini topics including 15 rsync command examples, 10 netstat examples, NFS mount using exportfs, how to change timezones, installing and configuring snort, etc. It’s a great read for beginners as well as experts.

9. Linux Online Training Videos

This tutorial comes from a very experienced administrator, Jason Cannon. Cannon has worked with numerous big name companies such as Xerox, UPS, Hewlett-Packard, and even From his experience comes this excellent course that covers the basics of Linux Administration. With over 9 hours of content, this is a great course to get started on Linux.

10. Learning Linux Administration, a Linux Tutorial

A two and a half hour YouTube tutorial by Edureka! on Linux Administration. It starts from the very beginning including teaching you how to download and install Linux on a system. It’s a short tutorial that is a great way to foray into Linux without jumping to more complicated concepts.

11. IBM Linux Tutorial

Mini tutorials from the great minds at IBM to help you understand basics as well as intricate Linux concepts. It also includes over 100 aps, code, tutorials and even videos to help you learn Linux. A truly amazing learning experience.

12. Linux Knowledge Base

A free of charge website that hails itself as being the only Linux resource you need for learning Linux Administration. The website offers an in-depth and easy-to-understand introduction to Linux and goes beyond than simply a few coding examples to help you get the most out of your Linux system. In addition to tutorials, it also has numerous articles and even forums (where you can clarify your doubts or get answers from more experienced administrators). It also includes a glossary page to help define specific terms and online quizzes to test your knowledge.

These are a few of the many different resources that can get you on your way to learning Linux Admin System. If you think we have missed any good resources, please feel free to drop their links in the comments section.

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