Is Facebook dying a slow death?

Abhinav Gupta
4 min readJun 21, 2017


Its almost 13 years since Facebook was launched and we have seen some impressive updates for there social platform. Acquiring other competitors that came in there way.

Here is the list of companies Facebook acquired or merged with.

Facebook is for many a social network, a communications network, a news network and a publishing platform. It bypassed many social sites like Orkut (From Google). People loved it for its no nonsense stuff.

Talking about Monthly Active Users they are still more than 1.9 billion users and it actually means a lot. To them.

Monthly Active Users of Facebook

However the trend Facebook is now following has been more towards copying the tech/idea other’s are creating and stuffing everything possible with a bit of makeup on it. The prime example of such was Snapchat stories. And they will keep doing so in order to be in the race.They have realised that to be on the top list of social apps they have to keep launching new features else people would start getting bored of it.

They actually took over snapchat stories in terms of DAU’s which showed how aggressive they are in implementing add on features, which was for others a key business model.

Snapchat vs Instagram(Acq. by Facebook)

Recently Facebook started prioritising Videos & Adds a lot more than posts and friends activities. It does not feels like a social space anymore and more of a baby youtube.

In 2016, the social network’s annual revenue amounted to close to 27.64 billion U.S. dollars, the majority of which was generated via advertising. Add platform is mainly good for companies posting contents, but here we are talking about actual user engagement with the app and how the app prioritize feeds helping you connect with your friends.

It is quite true that if Facebook did not come up with unique stuff and ideas to engage people better than they currently do, it’s a matter of time before Facebook dies.

A data from 2014, revealed that Facebook’s teenage user base in the U.S. shrank by an alarming 25 percent in the past three years, indicating that Facebook does indeed have trouble reaching young users.

This chart illustrates how young Americans are apparently losing interest in facebook. Since January 2011, the number of users aged 13 to 24 has declined by more than 6 million

From my perspective it’s a mess now. After all, how long would you live with scrolling stuff that you dont even watch or want to watch. From opening the app everyday I have shifted it to 3–4 times a week now.

Yes! The Monthly active users are continuously increasing and its hard to believe about a downfall in Facebook in the coming years.

Daily no. of photos shared trend on Facebook app alone is far less than snapchat or Whatsapp, which shows a significant increase since launch. It clearly signifies the photo sharing is not the priority of the users Facebook has been targeting.

Facebook owned properties vs Snapchat

Average time spent by users on Facebook seems to achieve a saturation level of around 23 min per day. It could be an alert for them to come up with some major changes in the app before it starts to dip.

Quite obviously, with other social apps offering a lot more and presenting content in such a pleasing way that users tends to shift.

Average daily time spent on Facebook by adults in the United States


People are connected through Facebook but yet they hardly interact. A triple digit friend list has widen the gap of relationships than bringing it closer. Facebook shifted its business model towards revenue focused company by bringing sponsored content and irrelevant feeds up front. Filtering those is no layman work for the users.

With all these things going side by side, critics has questioned Facebook’s ability to innovate. Its high time for them to come up with something people can stick around for the coming years else someone else will do it for them.

— -People who use your product come first. They are what matter and by focusing on your customers you’ll figure out how to keep them — -



Abhinav Gupta

At TimesInternet | a professional geek| tech enthusiast | 23 | opinions are my own on reviews and unboxings.