11 Ready-to-Copy ChatGPT Prompts to Craft Unforgettable Cover Letters

Abhi Bavishi
5 min readJun 16, 2023


Using ChatGPT to create a great cover letter.

A cover letter is an essential component of any job application process.

It is the first point of contact between you and a potential employer and serves as an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and personal qualities that make you the ideal candidate for the role.

With the advent of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, ChatGPT has become an invaluable tool for job seekers in creating personalized and effective cover letters.

In this article, I cover 11 ready-to-copy ChatGPT prompts that you can use to create a job cover letter that will stand out, and best reflect your unique skill set and experience.

Introduction and Expression of Interest 👋🏻

Your first few lines will play a crucial role in capturing the employer’s attention.

It is vital to make a strong first impression, as this can significantly impact the hiring manager’s decision to continue reading your application or move on to the next candidate.

Here’s the prompt that you can use to make a great first impression:

Prompt: “Compose a strong introduction and expression of interest for a cover letter for the position of [job title] at [company name].”

Using this prompt, ChatGPT can craft an attention-grabbing opening that highlights your interest in the specific role and company.

As shown in the example above, by specifying the job title and company name, the AI will generate a personalized introduction that demonstrates your enthusiasm and motivation for joining the organization.

Summary of Relevant Skills and Experience 🦸‍♂️

Prompt: “Summarize my skills and experience relevant to the position of [job title], showcasing my qualifications and background. Here are my skills: ”

This prompt allows ChatGPT to create a concise and impactful summary of your skills and experiences that directly relate to the job requirements.

By providing the job title, the AI will ensure that the generated content focuses on your qualifications, making your cover letter more effective.

Explanation of How Your Skills Match the Job Requirements 💯

Prompt: “Explain how my skills in [list your top 3–4 skills] match the requirements for the [job title] position at [company name].”

By specifying your top skills and the job requirements, this prompt enables ChatGPT to create a well-structured paragraph that clearly demonstrates your suitability for the role. This will help convince potential employers that you are the perfect fit for the position.

Highlighting Your Most Significant Achievement ⭐️

Prompt: “Describe my most significant achievement in [relevant field or industry] and explain how it demonstrates my potential for success in the [job title] role at [company name].”

This prompt will help ChatGPT showcase your most notable accomplishment in a way that highlights your potential to excel in the desired role. By relating your achievement to the specific job and company, the AI-generated content will strengthen your cover letter by emphasizing your expertise and past successes.

Explanation of Career Gap or Job Switch 👀

Prompt: “Explain the reason for my [career gap or job switch] and how my experience during this time has prepared me for the [job title] position at [company name].”

If you have a career gap or have recently switched jobs, this prompt will help ChatGPT create a convincing explanation that focuses on the positive aspects of your situation. By providing context and highlighting the skills or experiences gained during this time, the AI will help minimize any potential concerns from employers.

Showcasing Your Adaptability and Willingness to Learn 📖

Prompt: “Illustrate my adaptability and willingness to learn new skills, emphasizing how these traits make me an excellent candidate for the [job title] position at [company name].”

With this prompt, ChatGPT can generate content that highlights your flexibility and eagerness to grow professionally. This will be particularly valuable for roles requiring constant learning or adaptation to new technologies and environments.

Demonstrating Your Passion for the Industry ❤️

Prompt: “Describe my passion for the [industry or field] and how this passion will contribute to my success in the [job title] role at [company name].”

By using this prompt, ChatGPT will craft a passage that illustrates your enthusiasm and dedication to the industry or field you are pursuing. This will help potential employers see that you are genuinely passionate about the work and will be highly motivated to excel in the role.

Emphasizing Your Strong Work Ethic and Commitment 🔥

Prompt: “Provide examples of my strong work ethic and commitment to excellence, demonstrating how these qualities make me a valuable asset for the [job title] position at [company name].”

This prompt allows ChatGPT to create a compelling argument for your strong work ethic and dedication to excellence.

By providing specific examples, the AI will effectively communicate how your determination and commitment will benefit the company and contribute to your success in the role.

Mentioning the Value of Your Network 💰

Prompt: “Highlight the value of my professional network within the [industry or field], explaining how it can help me succeed in the [job title] role at [company name].”

Leveraging your professional network can be a great selling point for potential employers. This prompt will enable ChatGPT to emphasize the benefits of your connections within the industry or field, showcasing how they can contribute to your success in the role and the company’s growth.

Addressing the Company’s Values and Culture 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Prompt: “Discuss how my personal values and work style align with [company name]’s culture and values, emphasizing why this makes me an ideal candidate for the [job title] position.”

Using this prompt, ChatGPT will generate content that highlights the alignment between your personal values and the company’s culture. This will help demonstrate your compatibility with the organization, increasing the likelihood of being considered for the role.

Conclusion and Call-to-Action ⚡️

Prompt: “Compose a strong conclusion for my cover letter, summarizing my qualifications for the [job title] position at [company name] and expressing my eagerness for an interview.”

A powerful conclusion is essential for leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

This prompt will help ChatGPT craft a compelling closing statement that summarizes your qualifications and eagerness for an interview, encouraging the employer to take the next step in considering your application.

The Ultimate Cover Letter Prompt ✨

“Compose a complete cover letter for the position of [job title] at [company name], incorporating a strong introduction, a summary of relevant skills and experiences, an explanation of how my skills match the job requirements, a highlight of my most significant achievement, an explanation of my career gap or job switch (if applicable), showcasing my adaptability and willingness to learn, demonstrating my passion for the industry, emphasizing my strong work ethic and commitment, mentioning the value of my professional network, addressing the company’s values and culture, and ending with a powerful conclusion that expresses my eagerness for an interview.”

Wrapping it up 🧵

The use of ChatGPT for crafting job cover letters can greatly enhance your chances of capturing a potential employer’s attention and securing an interview.

These 11 ready-to-copy prompts are designed to help you create a personalized and effective cover letter that showcases your skills, experiences, and unique qualities.

By leveraging artificial intelligence and natural language processing, you can elevate your job application and increase your chances of landing your dream role.



Abhi Bavishi

I help entrepreneurs grow and automate their business using no-code tools. Open for work—hi@abhibavishi.com—Join me ⤵️