11 Benefits of Grapefruit Seed Extracts For Weight Loss

Abhijit Chakraborty
5 min readOct 11, 2021


Does Grapefruit Seed Extract Help With Weight Loss


This Grape Seed Extract (GSE) is a very familiar ingredient in weight loss supplements due to it’s contents of Phenolic acids, Oligomeric Proanthocyanin, Flavonoids and Anthocyanins.

Fat burning process is a combination of multiple sub-processes relating to the eco-systems of our organs and hormonal secretions, a supplement containing GSE plays a very significant role to enhance, maintain and restrict these sub-processes or activities, which in turn helps to reduce weight.

Now let us see how GSE affect our physiological eco system to help reduce weight.

Due to these 11 benefits it is considered as one of the most popular ingredients of Weight Loss Supplements.

1. Reduce Blood Pressure

Oxidative Stress is the major cause of hypertension or High BP. Oxidative Stress is a stage when excessive reactive oxygen is produced and an antioxidant cannot neutralize them.

Grape Seed Extract’s Polyphenols, especially Proanthocyanidins not only suppress oxidative stress but also protect cells from this damage.

Several studies have been conducted and it has been found that it has a remarkable effect on lowering Systolic and Diastolic BP.

2. Blood Thinner

Studies have proven that presence of Polyphenol gives GSE anticoagulant property. Thinner the blood lower is the risk of cardiovascular damage.

3. Reduce Leg Swelling

In current working environment where major part of working hours is spent by sitting, fluid accumulation is observed in the lower part of the body, especially legs are affected. This phenomenon is happened mostly with women of heavier body structure.

In a trial GSE was administered to a Japanese lady for 14 days and result showed that leg swelling, extracellular fluid accumulation and water accumulation were magically suppressed. It is clinically proved that GSE reduce Leg Swelling.

4. Lowers Risk of Heart Blockage

Oxidation of LDL cholesterol builds fats in arteries. Grape Seeds Extracts reduces this oxidation level due to its antioxidant properties, consequently fats cannot be built in arteries. A clear arterial passage lowers the risk of heart blockage.

5. Strengthen Bone

GSE improves collagen levels and bone strength due to the presence of Flavonoid, resulting lower possibilities of Rheumatoid arthritis, pain, bony spurs, and joint damage.

6. Anti Ageing for Brain

Grape seed extract contains a group of powerful antioxidants known as Oligomeric Proantho Cyanidins (OPCs) which is a class of flavonoids. Several clinical studies have indicated that OPCs are much more effective than vitamin C and vitamin E in neutralizing free oxygen radicals which cause to damage cells.

OPC is a good solute in water and easily absorbed by the cells. Thus it can improve the blood flow in brain cells and provide antioxidant protection to the entire nervous system.

7. Protects kidney Health.

It is commonly observed that Nephrons, the unit of kidney are damaged due to high Oxidative Stress where free reactive oxygen radicals cannot be neutralized by antioxidants. This is sometimes incurable and leads to even death if a significant number of nephrons are damaged.

Grape seed extract contains OPC (Oligomeric Proantho Cyanidins) which is a strong ability to neutralize these free radicals as well as shields the cell from the damage.

8. Protect infectious growth.

Grape Seed Extracts have strong Antimicrobial properties. In a study, several viruses including Hepatitis- A was examined with the extracts and result showed a remarkable reduction in the viruses.

It contains large quantities of Phenolic compounds and OPCs. It is found that GSE prevents the growth of many kinds of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica.

9. Reduce the risk of various type of cancer

Entire world now a days, is worried about this stubborn disease, Cancer and numerous researches are being carried out.

Among them a common aspect is found that persons take diet with full of fruits and vegetables are less prone to malignant growth. Out of the various fruits, it was found that regular consumption of grapes or its extracts have tremendous prevention effect on cancerous growth.

Presence of it’s Proantocyanidins and Antioxidants helps to reduce the risk of various types of cancer. Some clinical tests have found encouraging results on cells of organs like, Lung, Breast, Oral, Gastric, Liver, Pancreas and Prostrate gland.

10. It protects liver

Medication on Non Alcoholic fatty liver is limited. A study was made on a group of people after administering GSE. It was found that there was a significant decrease in Alanine Aminotransferase. This study also found that GSE was giving good result for patients having Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver when consumed for 3 months.

It’s strong antioxidant properties also prevent damage of the liver cell due to free reactive oxygen radicle.

11. Anti Ageing

Anti ageing agents maintain Elastin and stabilize Collagen.

GSE has polyphenolic compound especially proanthocyanidins (OPC) which belongs to bioflavonoid family. This OPC is a strong antioxidant, when penetrates into the skin take important part of maintaining elastin as well as stabilize collagen. This affects in keeping skin healthy.

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Possible side effects

It appears to be well suited for human beings. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it, though no sufficient data in support of this is available. Also, persons under medications of heart, kidney and diabetes should discuss with their healthcare professionals prior taking this supplement.

The Bottom Line

It is rich in antioxidants, particularly Pro antho cyanidins. By supplementing it, the health of Skin, Liver, Brain and Heart keeps protected and nourished. This overall wellness leads to play a very significant role in weight loss journey.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion developed through learning, reading various medical journals and experience in this field. Readers are requested to take medical consent to go for it. There are some affiliate links, if any person purchase through it i will get a small commission.



Abhijit Chakraborty

I have spent my 10 years of service in Healthcare industries, especially Herbal products. My acute interest in Herbs led me to write.