Abhijith M B
2 min readOct 8, 2021


The most important job

Yesterday I had an argument with a close relative of mine.

He was almost 60 years of age and a high-profile retired engineer. We were talking about my younger brother’s college admission and I told how my brother wanted to go for BSc Physics instead of Engineering.

He was baffled.

The next 10 minutes, he talked about how engineering is important. I patiently listened until he said “Engineering is the most important profession”.

That was when I lost it. I explained to him how every job is important today; as we live in a highly complex society with millions of things that hold it together.

Of course, he didn’t accept anything I said and we argued for 1 hour. He still didn’t get it though. But that’s only because of how his generation viewed careers.

Life is way different now. People are making millions with YouTube videos. You don’t even need a physical store to have a successful business. Freelancing is in an all time high.

It’s not just about money.

Like I said, something as intricate as our society requires people in different domains to get it all to work together. So there is simply not one “most important job”. That being said, some jobs are more important than other jobs.

People are slowly starting to understand that the traditional 9 to 5 job is no longer the most sought after career opportunity.

What we really need to understand is that we have only one life, and we spend a good majority of that time working.

So why not make the most out of it?
Why not have a career that you like?
Why not develop your skillset?

It’s certainly possible given the vast amount of free resources at our disposal.

No matter whether you are unemployed, doing a job you don’t like, or thinking of quitting your job, take a decision to have a career that you will love to do.

It’s certainly possible.

