The real Domino effect

Harnessing the Domino chain effect in your life

Abhijit Pradhan
2 min readJun 2, 2015

As I was gleefully immersed in one of Brian Johnson’s classes ( He conducts these awesome sessions where he beautifully combines all the Insights he combs from the hundreds of books he curates into actionable frameworks for life), one of his examples really struck me was the book The Compound Effect by Dan Hardy and to bring alive that point, Brian shared the instance of the youtube video on this simple Domino effect. Don’t know if that example is also from the book. Have a look at the video.

The mind blowing thing to take out from this Domino chain reaction video is :

  1. The smallest of the smallest item/step is enough to start the chain reaction ( look how tiny the first domino is ! He needs a tweezer to put in place !)
  2. When the dominos are placed upright, they have “stored energy” which gets released when they get pushed. This energy is good enough to push a domino 50 % bigger than their own size ! And so the reaction continues
  3. So, the last domino in the video is a foot long, but going by the science, if you keep placing dominos, which are 50 % bigger than the last one, you will end up with dominos the size of the Eiffel tower, the Empire state building, Mount Everest and on and on !

So, key learning for me from this amazing demonstration is start with the right step-and no matter how small that step is, TAKE ACTION, BEGIN IT. BEGIN small

Totally gives full on scientific weightage/validation/life to the famous words by Goethe

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”

or the memorable ones by Lao Tzu

“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.



Abhijit Pradhan

A Curator of PASSION + PERSPECTIVE translating them into INSIGHT for inspirational ACTION