Silicon Valley Bank Crisis: A Shock to the US Banking System

Abhilash Bura
3 min readMar 12, 2023
A Shock to the US Banking System

On March 7th, 2023, US regulators shut down Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a tech-focused bank known for its innovative approach to banking. The move came after the bank failed to address concerns related to risk management and internal controls, which led to an $80 billion decline in its stock price. This unprecedented event has sent shockwaves through the US banking system, as it raises questions about the viability of tech-focused banks and the need for stronger regulatory oversight.

The SVB crisis has its roots in the bank’s rapid expansion into new markets, as it sought to capitalize on the booming tech industry in Silicon Valley. The bank had been heavily invested in high-risk start-ups, which left it vulnerable to market fluctuations and liquidity issues. Despite warnings from regulators, the bank failed to take adequate measures to manage its risks, leading to the ultimate shutdown by the US regulators. Sending shockwaves throughout the US banking system. The crisis, which has been brewing for some time, has highlighted the risks associated with the lending practices of tech-focused banks and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

SVB Shutdown by US Regulators

What happened?

SVB is a leading bank that has been catering to the tech industry for more than three decades. The bank’s lending practices have been instrumental in the growth of numerous startups in Silicon Valley, including Uber and Airbnb.

In early February 2023, it was reported that SVB had suffered significant losses from its exposure to various companies in the crypto and technology industries. The losses were estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars and were attributed to a combination of risky lending practices and a sharp decline in the value of certain crypto assets.

How did it happen?

SVB’s lending practices have been under scrutiny for some time. The bank’s focus on the tech industry has led to an over-reliance on certain sectors and a lack of diversification in its loan portfolio. This has exposed the bank to significant risks, particularly in the crypto space, where asset values can be highly volatile.

Additionally, SVB’s lax risk management practices have allowed the bank to lend to companies with little or no revenue and questionable business models. These loans have been seen as a way for SVB to win business from high-growth startups, but they have also put the bank at risk of significant losses.

Why did it happen?

The SVB crisis is a result of a combination of factors, including the bank’s over-reliance on the tech industry, lax risk management practices, and exposure to risky assets such as crypto. However, it also highlights the broader risks associated with the lending practices of tech-focused banks, which have been under increasing scrutiny in recent years.

Many of these banks have pursued aggressive lending practices to win business from high-growth startups, often ignoring traditional lending criteria such as revenue and profitability. This has led to a surge in loan defaults and a significant increase in the risks faced by these banks.


The SVB crisis is a wake-up call for the US banking system, highlighting the need for stricter lending practices and better risk management. It has also raised concerns about the broader risks associated with the tech industry and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

The crisis has sent shockwaves throughout the banking industry, and it remains to be seen how it will play out in the coming weeks and months. However, it is clear that the lessons learned from this episode will be crucial in shaping the future of the US banking system and the role of tech-focused banks within it.



Abhilash Bura

I'm a content writer with great flexibility from blogs to social media content. Connect with me on IG - @stock_market_with_ab