Weekly Personal Finance Quotes #1

Abhilash Gupta
2 min readOct 18, 2018


Personal Finance Quotes

“Understanding your spending patterns is essential to keeping your personal finances healthy” — Tom Koszyk

If you don’t tell your money where to go, you’ll be asking where your money went” — Trey Parker

“No one knows if cryptocurrencies will take off or not. But if they do, the upside will be pretty gigantic” — Cliff Weitzman

“Big goals naturally happen as a side effect when we have the means to make them happen. When our purchasing power goes up, our purchases tend to go up too. That’s lifestyle creep.” — James Clear

“If you are in a situation where expenses are higher than income, you should look at your variable expenses to find areas to cut.” — Bernard Writes

“Just because you make $100k a year, doesn’t mean you can spend anywhere close to $100k a year.” — Rohan Punamia

“One of the biggest roadblocks to financial success is your own behavior, or cognitive biases that get in the way of rational thinking.” — Eric Roberge

“Many people think that starting a budget is the first step, but you have to keep track of your expenses and income before you start a budget” — M D.

“Having a dream wedding is important but so is making sure you are in a financially strong position as you enter marriage. Avoid taking out a loan for marriage.” — Trina Patel

“You increase your earning potential not necessarily by choosing the opportunities that pay the most, but the ones that cause you to grow the most.” — Srinivas Rao

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