Sand Mining Companies: Discover The Unknown Facts About It

3 min readJun 6, 2022


Sand mining services are gaining momentum due to their undeniable importance in construction. Discover some unknown facts about sand mining in this article.

One may probably not think so much but the tiny sand granules form a huge part of the mining operations. Sand is the only commodity that is mined on a large scale besides minerals and metals. It is also the most consumable substance after water. Hence, a mineral that is so significant deserves some serious analysis.

5 Unknown Facts About Sand And Aggregate Mining

Desert And Sea Sand Are Not Ideal For Construction

It is a lesser-known fact that sea and desert sands do not satisfy the needs of traditional construction. Especially, when they are still in their untreated state. Desert sand is finer and smoother due to which they cannot offer adequate chemical linkages. On the other hand, sea sand is also extremely fine and rounded which makes it unsuitable for construction purposes.

Sand Is There, But It Is Not

More than half of our Earth stretches on sand dunes. In fact, the Sahara Desert itself covers 8% of the planet’s land area. Sand dunes in the Sahara region can rise up to 180 m in height. This is equivalent to the skylines in the City Of London. This proves that sand is present everywhere on the planet but we are still running out of it.

India Will Continue To Import Sand Until It’s Sustainable

The Government of India is of the opinion that the country will import sand until the methods are viable. Sand mafias have already taken control of the mining industry. As a result, tremendous illegal sand mining activities are taking place. However, our country is determined to promote sand extraction in its purest state.

Existing Regulation Is Not Adequate

Since sand mining involves various illegal activities, the government has made tons of regulations. The aim is to keep sand mining in check. However, the existing rules and regulations related to sand mining are not doing enough. Due to this, the breadth of sand’s reach across minions of industries is reducing. Experts suggest that tracking cement mining is far easier than sand mining.

Innovation May Reduce Sand Exploitation

After constant experimentation, professionals make an informed decision. Innovative sand extraction methods may reduce its exploitation. Hence, industries will get access to sand mining only for the amount they need. Latest technologies like recycling restore a significant amount of the mineral. Industries are optimizing larger particles of crushed glass for producing concrete which ultimately saves sand.


The best sand mining service providers are always here to make sand always accessible to you. Get in touch with Abhinna Investments today and make sure to use quality sand and aggregates. They have an impeccable reputation among the top sand mining companies. So, what’s the wait for?

